@@ 0,0 1,52 @@
+#+title: Generate a tag info page
+* Generate a tag info page
+:TAGS: emacs orgmode tags
+July 19, 2022 -- extract tags and build tags.org during export
+/Side note/: I failed my first attempt to offload 100 times in a year… I will
+probably take this challenge on a second time, but not right now.
+But to the matter at hand: I started tagging the posts here a while bag. This is
+a static web-site generated during publishing by emacs org-mode. I don’t want to
+switch to another generator, but I do want to use the tags to generate an
+overview with a section for every tag listing links to the posts tagged with it.
+To that effect, I added a code block to the index page, that does not get
+exported and so does not alter the index page in any way, but as a side effect
+generates a new file ~tags.org~, that will be exported by org-publish, functioning
+as a poor-mans tag overview/post list.
+It’s a zsh script that relies on ~rg~ in addition to ~grep~, ~sed~ and ~sort~. The first
+step uses ~rg~ to extract the ~TAGS~ line from the post files, and use the other
+tools to build a sorted list of tags.
+ exec {of} > tags.org
+ exec >&${of}
+ echo -e "#+TITLE: Tags\n<<up>>\n* List of tags and articles\n"
+ declare -a usedtags
+ usedtags=($(rg -NI -e ":TAGS:" ./ | grep -v 'rg -N' | sed 's/:TAGS://' | sed "s/ /\n/g" | sort -u ))
+ for i in ${usedtags[@]}; do
+ echo -n "[[*${i}]] "
+ done
+In a second step we iterate over this list and use ~rg~ again to find all
+post-files containing the tag and generating org header lines and lists with
+links, in the same way the link lists on the index page are build, although
+these are done with page modifying code-blocks.
+ echo -e "\n"
+ for i in ${usedtags[@]}; do
+ echo "*** ${i}"
+ for j in $(rg -Nl --sort path -e ":TAGS:.* ${i}.*" ./); do
+ echo "- [[$(sed 's/\.org/.html/' <<< ${j})][$(grep -Po "(?<=^\* )(.+)" ${j})]]"
+ done
+ echo "[[up][/↑/]]"
+ done
+ exec {of}>&-