Reflect employer name change
Calculate end-date for copyright string in preamble
Removed stackoverflow reference
This is my homepage. It is written as a couple of org-mode files, and
exported/generated using org-publish
. The configuration used for
that is part of my emacs setup:
The project is split in two: The static files (css, images, …)
, and the content tdo-content
– tdo
is the target to
export both at once.
The top-navigation and footer are so simple, they are configured as
resp. html-postamble
; the css-stylesheet header is
configured as html-head
The remote setup is stored encrypted and accessed via `auth-source`.
(let* ((tdo (car (auth-source-search :host "tdo"))) (remote-dir (concat (plist-get tdo :user) (plist-get tdo :port))) (remote-static-dir (concat remote-dir "static/"))) (setq org-publish-project-alist `(("tdo" :components ("tdo-content" "tdo-static")) ("tdo-content" :base-directory "~/Projekte/" :base-extension "org" :publishing-directory ,remote-dir :recursive t :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html :export-with-tags nil :headline-levels 4 ; Just the default for this project. :with-toc nil :section-numbers nil :with-sub-superscript nil :with-todo-keywords nil :with-author nil :with-creator nil :with-title nil :html-preamble "<nav> <a href=\"/index.html\" class=\"home\"><b>Me+Myself+I</b></a> <a href=\"/myself/index.html\">myself</a> <a href=\"/blog/index.html\">posts</a> <a href=\"https:///\">projects</a> </nav> <hr/>" :html-postamble "<footer> <a href=\"/imprint.html\">imprint</a> | (c) 2021 Thomas Regner - <a href=\"\">CC-BY-SA-4.0</a> | using <a href=\"\">simplecss</a> by Kev Quirk </footer><hr/>" :html-head "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/static/css/style.min.css\" type=\"text/css\"/><title></title>" :html-head-include-default-style nil :html-toplevel-hlevel 2 :with-timestamp t :exclude-tags ("noexport" "todo") :auto-preamble t) ("tdo-static" :base-directory "~/Projekte/" :base-extension "css\\|js\\|png\\|jpg\\|gif\\|pdf\\|mp3\\|ogg\\|swf\\|otf" :publishing-directory ,remote-static-dir :recursive t :publishing-function org-publish-attachment) ("tdo-favicon" :base-directory "~/Projekte/" :base-extension "ico" :publishing-directory ,remote-dir :recursive nil :publishing-function org-publish-attachment))))
Small articles. The link-list is generated as raw
-result of a babel shell-block:
: #+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports results :results output raw : for i in $(ls -t ./post_*.org); do : echo "- [[$(sed 's/\.org/.html/' <<< ${i})][$(grep -Po "(?<=^\* )(.+)" ${i})]]" : done : #+END_SRC