2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 155 deletions(-)
D .config/ion/initrc
M .gitignore
D .config/ion/initrc => .config/ion/initrc +0 -152
@@ 1,152 0,0 @@
-if not test -d $HOME/.config/ion/plugins
- # We don't have plugins, so clone them in first.
- git clone https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/ion-plugins $HOME/.config/ion/plugins
-source ~/.config/ion/plugins/init.ion
-source ~/.config/ion/plugins/tools/gpg-agent.ion
-export SKIM_DEFAULT_OPTIONS="--multi --ansi --bind=ctrl-e:up --preview='bat --plain --color=always {}'"
-if not exists -s SSH_CLIENT
- # Only launch TMUX if we're not in an SSH session
- if not exists -s VIMRUNTIME
- # We're not in a VIM session
- if not exists -s TMUX
- # We're not already in a TMUX session
- let tmux = $(/usr/bin/env which tmux)
- let sessions: int = $len(@lines($($tmux list-sessions)))
- if test $sessions -gt 0
- exec $tmux attach
- else
- exec $tmux new-session
- end
- end
- end
- fn ssh_prompt
- if exists -s SSH_CLIENT
- # We're in an SSH session.
- printf "${c::red}\@${c::black}${HOST}"
- end
- end
- fn kube_prompt
- if exists -b kubectl
- # We have kubectl.
- let context = $(kubectl config current-context)
- if not eq $len(context) 0
- # Icons:
- # \u2388: ⎈
- # \u2638: ☸
- printf "${c::default,bold}{${c::light_red}☸${c::default}:${c::blue}${context}${c::default}}${c::reset} "
- end
- end
- end
- fn git_prompt
- if exists -s GIT_PROMPT && test $GIT_PROMPT -eq 1 && git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree -q &> /dev/null
- let num_added: int = 0;
- let num_removed: int = 0;
- for line in @lines($(git diff-files --numstat -r))
- let new_added = $(echo $line | cut -f1)
- let new_removed = $(echo $line | cut -f2)
- let num_added = $((num_added+new_added))
- let num_removed = $((num_removed+new_removed))
- end
- let totals = "";
- if test $num_added -gt 0 || test $num_removed -gt 0
- let totals = ":"
- if test $num_added -gt 0
- let totals = "$totals${c::0x55}+$num_added"
- end
- if test $num_removed -gt 0
- let totals = "$totals${c::light_red}-$num_removed"
- end
- end
- printf "[${c::red,bold}$(git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD || git rev-parse --short HEAD)${c::default}$totals${c::default}] "
- end
- end
- fn venv
- if exists -s VIRTUAL_ENV
- let env = $(echo $VIRTUAL_ENV | awk -F'/' '{printf $NF}')
- printf "${c::bold}(${c::yellow}$env${c::default,bold})${c::default} "
- end
- end
- printf "$(kube_prompt)${c::0x55,bold}${USER}$(ssh_prompt)${c::default}:${c::0x4B}${SWD}${c::default}# $(venv)$(git_prompt)${c::reset}"
- drop kube_prompt
- drop ssh_prompt
-fn kctx context:str -- Set the kubernetes context
- kubectl config use-context $context
-fn show what:str -- Show the existing setting for a variable
- match @split(what)[0]
- case "kctx"
- kubectl config get-contexts
- case _
- echo "[${color::red}@split(what)[0]${color::reset}] does not seem to exist"
- echo "options:${color::blue}"
- echo -e "\tkctx"
- printf "${color::reset}"
- end
-fn no what:str -- Remove an existing setting for a variable
- match @split(what)[0]
- case "kctx"
- kubectl config unset current-context
- case _
- echo "[${color::red}@split(what)[0]${color::reset}] does not seem to exist"
- echo "options:${color::blue}"
- echo -e "\tkctx"
- printf "${color::reset}"
- end
-fn mux session:str -- Move or create a tmux session
- let tmux = $(/usr/bin/env which tmux)
- let fd = $(/usr/bin/env which fd || /usr/bin/env which fdfind)
- let dir = $($fd --no-ignore -i -td "$session" ~/Documents | awk -F'/' 'NR==1{n=NF; m=$0} NF<n{ m=$0; n=NF } END { print m }')
- $tmux if-shell \
- "$tmux has-session -t $session" \
- "switch-client -t $session" \
- "new-session -ds $session -c $dir; switch-client -t $session"
-alias tls="tmux ls"
-fn del session:str -- Delete a tmux session
- let tmux = $(/usr/bin/env which tmux)
- $tmux kill-session -t $session
-fn update_rust -- Update a rust crate
- let gitdr = $(git fetch --dry-run &| wc -l)
- let gitdr:int = $((gitdr))
- if test $(echo $gitdr) -ne 0
- echo "${c::red}Updating${c::reset}"
- git checkout .
- git pull --recurse-submodules
- cargo install --path . --force
- else
- echo "${c::green}Already updated!${c::reset}"
- end
-if matches $(uname) "Darwin"
- # We're on OSX
- # We need to set PATH here because if we try to set it later, we will error
- # on all things installed by homebrew.
- # Set path to use homebrew's less
- # export PATH=$PATH
- export PAGER=less
-export EDITOR=$(which nvim)
-export GIT_PROMPT=1
-export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/llvm/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/opt/llvm/lib"
-source ~/.cargo/env
M .gitignore => .gitignore +0 -3
@@ 5,9 5,6 @@