
fbfe6ad96677b22d38fae3005c0a10c88bb303cc — Tom Lebreux 2 years ago f4174a6 master
Add support for Enums
1 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

M main.go
M main.go => main.go +100 -41
@@ 47,6 47,7 @@ var (
		protoreflect.FloatKind:    "float",
		protoreflect.DoubleKind:   "double",
		protoreflect.MessageKind:  "none",
		protoreflect.EnumKind:     "uint32",

	// decodeLUT is a look-up table from protobuf kind to the decode function to

@@ 95,14 96,14 @@ var (
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_bool", typ: "bool", abbr: "frpc.payload.bool", name: "Bool"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_bytes", typ: "bytes", abbr: "frpc.payload.bytes", name: "Bytes"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_string", typ: "string", abbr: "frpc.payload.string", name: "String"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_uint8", typ: "uint8", abbr: "frpc.payload.uint8", name: "Uint8"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_uint16", typ: "uint16", abbr: "frpc.payload.uint16", name: "Uint16"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_uint32", typ: "uint32", abbr: "frpc.payload.uint32", name: "Uint32"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_uint64", typ: "uint64", abbr: "frpc.payload.uint64", name: "Uint64"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_int32", typ: "int32", abbr: "frpc.payload.int32", name: "Int32"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_int64", typ: "int64", abbr: "frpc.payload.int64", name: "Int64"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_float32", typ: "float", abbr: "frpc.payload.float32", name: "Float32"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_float64", typ: "double", abbr: "frpc.payload.float64", name: "Float64"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_uint8", typ: "uint8", abbr: "frpc.payload.uint8", name: "Uint8", base: "DEC"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_uint16", typ: "uint16", abbr: "frpc.payload.uint16", name: "Uint16", base: "DEC"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_uint32", typ: "uint32", abbr: "frpc.payload.uint32", name: "Uint32", base: "DEC"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_uint64", typ: "uint64", abbr: "frpc.payload.uint64", name: "Uint64", base: "DEC"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_int32", typ: "int32", abbr: "frpc.payload.int32", name: "Int32", base: "DEC"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_int64", typ: "int64", abbr: "frpc.payload.int64", name: "Int64", base: "DEC"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_float32", typ: "float", abbr: "frpc.payload.float32", name: "Float32", base: "DEC"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_unknown_payload_float64", typ: "double", abbr: "frpc.payload.float64", name: "Float64", base: "DEC"},

	customFields = []fieldDecl{

@@ 111,24 112,46 @@ var (

	otherFields = []fieldDecl{
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_message_type", typ: "string", abbr: "frpc.message.type", name: "Type"},
		fieldDecl{binding: "f_enum_string", typ: "string", abbr: "frpc.enum.string", name: "Value"},

type operation struct {
	service string
	method  string
	inFunc  string
	outFunc string
type Operation struct {
	Service string
	Method  string
	InFunc  string
	OutFunc string

func getMessagesDecl(desc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor) []protoreflect.MessageDescriptor {
	descs := make([]protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, 0)
type FlatFile struct {
	Messages []protoreflect.MessageDescriptor
	Enums    []protoreflect.EnumDescriptor

func flattenFile(desc protoreflect.FileDescriptor) FlatFile {
	file := FlatFile{
		Messages: make([]protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, 0),
		Enums:    make([]protoreflect.EnumDescriptor, 0),
	for i := 0; i < desc.Enums().Len(); i += 1 {
		file.Enums = append(file.Enums, desc.Enums().Get(i))
	for i := 0; i < desc.Messages().Len(); i += 1 {
		it := desc.Messages().Get(i)
		descs = append(descs, it)
		descs = append(descs, getMessagesDecl(it)...)
		flattenMessage(desc.Messages().Get(i), &file)
	return file

func flattenMessage(desc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, file *FlatFile) {
	file.Messages = append(file.Messages, desc)

	for i := 0; i < desc.Enums().Len(); i += 1 {
		file.Enums = append(file.Enums, desc.Enums().Get(i))

	for i := 0; i < desc.Messages().Len(); i += 1 {
		flattenMessage(desc.Messages().Get(i), file)
	return descs

func getMessageDissectFuncName(desc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor) string {

@@ 146,6 169,16 @@ func getFieldFieldName(desc protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf(`f_%s`, name)

func getEnumFieldName(desc protoreflect.EnumDescriptor) string {
	name := strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ToLower(string(desc.FullName())), ".", "_")
	return fmt.Sprintf(`f_%s`, name)

func getEnumLUTname(desc protoreflect.EnumDescriptor) string {
	name := strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ToLower(string(desc.FullName())), ".", "_")
	return fmt.Sprintf(`enum_%s_lut`, name)

// generateFile generates a _ascii.pb.go file containing gRPC service definitions.
func generateFile(gen *protogen.Plugin, file *protogen.File) *protogen.GeneratedFile {
	filename := file.GeneratedFilenamePrefix + ".frpc.lua"

@@ 167,13 200,19 @@ func generateFile(gen *protogen.Plugin, file *protogen.File) *protogen.Generated
	fieldDecls = append(fieldDecls, customFields...)
	fieldDecls = append(fieldDecls, otherFields...)

	var messages []protoreflect.MessageDescriptor
	for _, msg := range file.Messages {
		messages = append(messages, msg.Desc)
		messages = append(messages, getMessagesDecl(msg.Desc)...)
	flatFile := flattenFile(file.Desc)

	for _, enum := range flatFile.Enums {
		decl := fieldDecl{
			binding: getEnumFieldName(enum),
			typ:     "uint32",
			abbr:    "frpc." + strings.ToLower(string(enum.FullName())),
			name:    string(enum.Name()),
		fieldDecls = append(fieldDecls, decl)

	for _, msg := range messages {
	for _, msg := range flatFile.Messages {
		fullName := string(msg.FullName())
		decl := fieldDecl{
			binding: getMessageFieldName(msg),

@@ 227,13 266,23 @@ func generateFile(gen *protogen.Plugin, file *protogen.File) *protogen.Generated

	for _, enum := range flatFile.Enums {
		write(`local %s = {`, getEnumLUTname(enum))
		for i := 0; i < enum.Values().Len(); i += 1 {
			val := enum.Values().Get(i)
			write4(`[%d] = "%s",`, val.Number(), val.Name())

	// Forward declaration is necessary for Lua (if we don't want to build a DAG, etc)
	for _, msg := range messages {
	for _, msg := range flatFile.Messages {
		write(`local %s = function() end`, getMessageDissectFuncName(msg))

	for _, msg := range messages {
	for _, msg := range flatFile.Messages {
		write(`%s = function(buf, pinfo, tree)`, getMessageDissectFuncName(msg))
		write4(`local subtree = tree:add(%s, buf())`, getMessageFieldName(msg))
		write4(`subtree:add(f_message_type, "%s"):set_generated()`, string(msg.Name()))

@@ 251,17 300,28 @@ func generateFile(gen *protogen.Plugin, file *protogen.File) *protogen.Generated

			builtInOnce.Do(func() {
				write4(`-- Built-in types`)

			kind := field.Kind()
			fieldName := strings.ToLower(field.TextName())
			if kind == protoreflect.EnumKind {
				enum := field.Enum()
				write4(`local %s, noffset = decode_uint32(buf, noffset)`, fieldName)
				write4(`local %s_str = %s[%s:uint()]`, fieldName, getEnumLUTname(enum), fieldName)
				write4(`local enum_t = subtree:add(%s, %s)`, getEnumFieldName(enum), fieldName)
				write4(`enum_t:add(f_enum_string, %s_str):set_generated()`, fieldName)
				write4(`enum_t:append_text(string.format(" (%%s)", %s_str))`, fieldName)

			decoder, exists := decodeLUT[kind]
			if !exists {

			builtInOnce.Do(func() {
				write4(`-- Built-in types`)

			write4(`local %s, noffset = %s(buf, noffset)`, fieldName, decoder)
			write4(`subtree:add(%s, %s)`, getFieldFieldName(field), fieldName)

@@ 340,20 400,19 @@ func generateFile(gen *protogen.Plugin, file *protogen.File) *protogen.Generated

	operationLUT := map[int]operation{
		0: operation{method: "Heartbeat", inFunc: "nil", outFunc: "nil"},
		1: operation{method: "Ping", inFunc: "nil", outFunc: "nil"},
		2: operation{method: "Pong", inFunc: "nil", outFunc: "nil"},
	operationLUT := map[int]Operation{
		0: Operation{Method: "Heartbeat", InFunc: "nil", OutFunc: "nil"},
		1: Operation{Method: "Ping", InFunc: "nil", OutFunc: "nil"},
		2: Operation{Method: "Pong", InFunc: "nil", OutFunc: "nil"},
	counter := 10
	for _, svc := range file.Services {
		// g.P("Service: ", svc.GoName)
		for _, method := range svc.Methods {
			op := operation{
				service: string(svc.Desc.Name()),
				method:  string(method.Desc.Name()),
				inFunc:  getMessageDissectFuncName(method.Desc.Input()),
				outFunc: getMessageDissectFuncName(method.Desc.Output()),
			op := Operation{
				Service: string(svc.Desc.Name()),
				Method:  string(method.Desc.Name()),
				InFunc:  getMessageDissectFuncName(method.Desc.Input()),
				OutFunc: getMessageDissectFuncName(method.Desc.Output()),
			operationLUT[counter] = op
			counter += 1

@@ 363,7 422,7 @@ func generateFile(gen *protogen.Plugin, file *protogen.File) *protogen.Generated
	write(`local operation_lut =`)
	for opID, op := range operationLUT {
		write4(`[%d] = { service = "%s", method = "%s", in_func = %s, out_func = %s },`, opID, op.service, op.method, op.inFunc, op.outFunc)
		write4(`[%d] = { service = "%s", method = "%s", in_func = %s, out_func = %s },`, opID, op.Service, op.Method, op.InFunc, op.OutFunc)