@@ 95,3 95,13 @@ export fn read(id: serial, buf: []u8) (size | error) = {
return keyctl(command::READ, id: u64,
buf: uintptr: u64, bufln: u64, 0)?: size;
+// Changes the user and group ownership of the key.
+export fn chown(id: serial, uid: uint, gid: uint) (void | error) = {
+ keyctl(command::CHOWN, id: u64, uid: u64, gid: u64, 0)?;
+// Changes the permissions mask of the key.
+export fn setperm(id: serial, perm: perm) (void | error) = {
+ keyctl(command::SETPERM, id: u64, perm, 0, 0)?;
@@ 143,6 143,40 @@ export type caps = enum u8 {
+export type perm = enum u32 {
+ KEY_OTH_VIEW = 0x01,
+ KEY_OTH_READ = 0x02,
+ KEY_OTH_WRITE = 0x04,
+ KEY_OTH_SEARCH = 0x08,
+ KEY_OTH_LINK = 0x10,
+ KEY_OTH_ALL = 0x3f,
+ KEY_GRP_VIEW = 0x0100,
+ KEY_GRP_READ = 0x0200,
+ KEY_GRP_WRITE = 0x0400,
+ KEY_GRP_SEARCH = 0x0800,
+ KEY_GRP_LINK = 0x1000,
+ KEY_GRP_SETATTR = 0x2000,
+ KEY_GRP_ALL = 0x3f00,
+ KEY_USR_VIEW = 0x010000,
+ KEY_USR_READ = 0x020000,
+ KEY_USR_WRITE = 0x040000,
+ KEY_USR_SEARCH = 0x080000,
+ KEY_USR_LINK = 0x100000,
+ KEY_USR_SETATTR = 0x200000,
+ KEY_USR_ALL = 0x3f0000,
+ KEY_POS_VIEW = 0x01000000,
+ KEY_POS_READ = 0x02000000,
+ KEY_POS_WRITE = 0x04000000,
+ KEY_POS_SEARCH = 0x08000000,
+ KEY_POS_LINK = 0x10000000,
+ KEY_POS_SETATTR = 0x20000000,
+ KEY_POS_ALL = 0x3f000000,
// Converts an [[error]] into a human-friendly string.
export fn strerror(err: error) const str = match (err) {
case nokey =>