M flake.lock => flake.lock +3 -3
@@ 33,11 33,11 @@
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M src/Web/NetworkInformation.purs => src/Web/NetworkInformation.purs +8 -6
@@ 12,6 12,7 @@ module Web.NetworkInformation
, saveData
, onChange
, toEventTarget
+ , fromEventTarget
, module Exports
) where
@@ 26,6 27,7 @@ import Safe.Coerce (coerce)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Web.Event.Event (Event)
import Web.Event.EventTarget (EventTarget)
+import Web.Internal.FFI (unsafeReadProtoTagged)
import Web.NetworkInformation.ConnectionType (ConnectionType(..)) as Exports
import Web.NetworkInformation.ConnectionType (ConnectionType)
import Web.NetworkInformation.ConnectionType as ConnectionType
@@ 39,6 41,12 @@ import Web.NetworkInformation.Megabit (Megabit)
-- | about the network connection the user agent is currently using
foreign import data NetworkInformation ∷ Type
+toEventTarget ∷ NetworkInformation → EventTarget
+toEventTarget = unsafeCoerce
+fromEventTarget ∷ EventTarget → Maybe NetworkInformation
+fromEventTarget = unsafeReadProtoTagged "NetworkInformation"
foreign import getProp ∷ ∀ a. EffectFn2 String NetworkInformation (Nullable a)
-- | The type attribute, when getting, returns the connection type that the
@@ 99,9 107,3 @@ foreign import onChangeImpl ∷ ∀ a. EffectFn2 (Event → Effect a) NetworkInf
-- | during the steps to update the connection values.
onChange ∷ ∀ a. (Event → Effect a) → NetworkInformation → Effect Unit
onChange = runEffectFn2 onChangeImpl
--- | `NetworkInformation` has access to an `onchange` event which can be
--- | consumed with `Web.Event.EventTarget.addEventListener`, etc.
-toEventTarget ∷ NetworkInformation → EventTarget
-toEventTarget = unsafeCoerce