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Low-level PNG library and associated utilities


Partitions extraites du rapport d'Yves Defrance en 1988 sur les chansons courtes collectées en Haute-Bretagne.


Simple MySQL role with some compatibility with Jeff Geerling's one


Hash and checksum functions in shell


Generate fully transparent PNG images


Ansible role for Matomo (formerly Piwik)


martinesay is a nonconfigurable thinking jellyfish


Korn Shell Ray Tracer


Configure keepalived with Ansible the way you want


Play the game of Hamurabi with Ansible


Just a black square


Ansible role for the installation and configuration of a Left4Dead2 dedicated server


Ansible role for the Stripper:Source Metamod plugin


Ansible role for the installation and configuration of a Counter Strike: Source dedicated server


Ansible role for steamcmd, the Steam command line client

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