Clarify some terms
Use rustfmt to clean up example code
Tweak docs
is a module that provides a fairly low-level means of doing
what Ruby's Data_Wrap_Struct
macro does. That is to say, you can store a
pointer to a Rust Box<T>
inside a Ruby object and get it back out again.
Any heap-allocated struct, enum, or whatever should work.
extern crate ruby_sys;
extern crate ruby_wrap_data;
use ruby_sys::{class::{rb_class_new_instance, rb_define_class}, rb_cObject, types::Value,
value::RubySpecialConsts::Nil, vm::ruby_init};
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::mem;
const RB_NIL: Value = Value {
value: Nil as usize,
struct MyValue {
pub val: u16,
fn alloc(klass: Value) -> Value {
// put your value in a Box
let data = Box::new(MyValue { val: 1 });
// call `wrap()`, passing your class and value
ruby_wrap_data::wrap(klass, Some(data))
fn main() {
// you may need to start the ruby vm
unsafe { ruby_init() };
// create a ruby class and attach your alloc function
let name = CString::new("Thing").unwrap().into_raw();
let klass = unsafe { rb_define_class(name, rb_cObject) };
ruby_wrap_data::define_alloc_func(klass, alloc);
// create a new instance of the class
let thing = unsafe { rb_class_new_instance(0, &RB_NIL, klass) };
// get your value from the ruby object
// note: once remove() is called, the pointer in your ruby object is NULL
let data: Option<Box<MyValue>> = ruby_wrap_data::remove(thing);
// if you try to remove it again, you get None
let data: Option<Box<MyValue>> = ruby_wrap_data::remove(thing);
// set a new value on the object
let new_data = Box::new(MyValue { val: 2 });
ruby_wrap_data::set(thing, new_data);
Assuming you're using rbenv (if not, sorry, you're on your own):
CONFIGURE_OPTS=--enable-shared rbenv install
RUBY=$(rbenv which ruby) cargo test
You may need to help Rust find the file, like this:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/.rbenv/versions/2.5.1/lib
RUBY=$(rbenv which ruby) cargo test
License: MIT