
v2.2.0 1 year, 3 months ago .tar.gz browse log

This is a release containing all updates and contributions accumulated
over the last two years.

* gui+lib: Added support for DualSense trigger effects and controller
  haptics (by jbaiter, experimental in gui)
* gui: Added support for touchpad and sensor handling via SDL to support
  more controllers on more platforms. Setsu is deprecated. (by jbaiter)
* gui: Additional transform/scaling modes in GUI (by streetpea)
* gui: Added quit (Ctrl+Q) shortcut to GUI (by streetpea)
* cli: Added an install target for the CLI
* cli: Fixes for discovery and wakeup
* gui: Fixed stream command not working for second or later host in
  configuration (by Mini-Me)
* gui: New macOS icon in Big Sur style
* lib: Added option to fetch mbedtls with cmake
* lib: Fixed handling some EINTR cases, especially relevant for NetBSD
* android: Target SDK bumped to 33 and dependencies updated
* lib: Server shutdown is not considered an error anymore, but a regular
* switch: Fixed loading host addresses from the config file

v2.1.1 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log

* Fix Regist on Switch

v2.1.0 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log

This is the final release of Chiaki for the time being.
After it, the project will be in maintenance mode only.

* Added Motion Support (Linux, Android and Switch only)
* Added Rumble
* Android: Added Touchpad Support
* Android: New L1/L2/R1/R2 Buttons and added L3/R3 Buttons
* Android: Added Touch Button Haptic Feedback
* Android: Extended Touch Areas for Buttons
* Android: Fixed Micro-stuttering
* Prefer fixed local Port for Discovery
* Switch: Fixed audio delay
* Added DualSense to Setsu (requires hid-playstation Linux driver)

v2.0.1 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log

* Android: Fix Crash on Startup in Database Migration on old SQLite

v2.0.0 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log

This release brings support for PlayStation 5 and a port for the Nintendo Switch.
Please note that Chiaki has been relicensed under AGPL v3 only (+ OpenSSL exemption).

Full changelog:
* PS5 Remote Play Support
* Add Nintendo Switch Borealis GUI
* FFMPEG in builds updated to 4.3.1
* Fix Manual Host ID reconstruction in GUI
* Add Video Profile Auto Downgrade when 1080p is selected for PS4
* Update discovered state in DiscoveryManager
* Move FFMPEG Decoder to lib
* Add correct Bitrate for 1080p
* Relicense under AGPL v3 only + OpenSSL
* Connect all available controllers in GUI
* Add Double Click for Fullscreen in GUI
* Ignore IMU-only Controllers in GUI
* Add Audio Device Selection to GUI
* Add Congestion Control
* Add Raspberry Pi Decoder
* Add Text Input Support to Library
* Use ChiakiKeyState to fix 32bit key state overflow
* Add option to use system Nanopb and jerasure
* Improve GUI CLI for streaming
* Add Sleep Mode Trigger
* Add generic Hardware Decoder Selection to GUI

v1.3.0 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log

This update brings compatibility for PS4 Firmware 8.0 while still staying backwards-compatible.


* PS4 Firmware 8.0 Compatibility (Fix #328)
* Fix MTU detection (Fix #303) (#304)
* Add partial Touchpad support (currently ONLY functional on Linux when building from source and only when using a physical DualShock 4 Controller!)
* Drop Support for QtGamepad in favor of SDL2
* Expose videotoolbox hardware decoder (#261, macOS only)
* Fix build on newer Qt versions (#254, Fix #253)

v1.2.1 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log

* AppImage: Enable VAAPI (NOTE: this will not work on most systems, see https://github.com/thestr4ng3r/chiaki/issues/214#issuecomment-620088031)
* Qt GUI: Fix Surface for EGL (Fix #71)
* Qt GUI: Fix L2/R2 conversion (#243, Fix #189)
* Qt GUI: Fix a deprecated Qt API usage
* Library: Experimental mbed TLS and Nintendo Switch support (No app yet, only library!)

v1.2.0 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log

* Qt GUI: Support for FreeBSD and OpenBSD (#212)
* Qt GUI: Add VAAPI Support (Fix #26) (#205)
* Qt GUI: Add Settings for Keyboard Mappings (#174)
* Qt GUI: Use Mouse Click for Touchpad Button in GUI (#167)
* CLI: Add Wakeup Command (#168)
* Build: Build SDL2 with udev on Linux (Fix #32)
* Android: Updated Dependencies

v1.1.3 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log

* Prevent screen turning off during streaming (#149)
* Stream Display Options: Normal, Zoom and Stretch (#146)
* Touchpad Only Control Option (#130)
* Export and Import Settings as JSON
* Adjust Android Analog Stick Dimensions for better Usability

* Fix H264 codec finding for libavcodec < 58.10.100 (#143)
* Add Pyramid/Box buttons to keybindings (#118)
* Fix Icon Install Path (Fix #92)

* Make psn-account-id.py Script easier for Windows

v1.1.2 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log

* Fix Ctrl recv after Sending Login PIN (Fix #104)
* Android: Fix a Crash in Regist
* Qt GUI: Hide Mouse after Timeout
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