
e4bab0966b55315e14280e4f857813733a21c96a — Theodor Thornhill 4 years ago 65e7db2
Day 5 passing
3 files changed, 129 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

A day5-input.txt
A day5-input2.txt
M intcode.lisp
A day5-input.txt => day5-input.txt +1 -0
@@ 0,0 1,1 @@

A day5-input2.txt => day5-input2.txt +1 -0
@@ 0,0 1,1 @@
3,21,1008,21,8,20,1005,20,22,107,8,21,20,1006,20,31, 1106,0,36,98,0,0,1002,21,125,20,4,20,1105,1,46,104, 999,1105,1,46,1101,1000,1,20,4,20,1105,1,46,98,99

M intcode.lisp => intcode.lisp +127 -25
@@ 12,9 12,6 @@
    :initarg :memory
    :accessor memory)
    :initarg :memory-size
    :accessor memory-size)
    :initarg :instruction-pointer
    :initform 0

@@ 34,39 31,144 @@
  `(with-slots ,rest *intcode*

(defparameter *increment-counter* 4)
(defun parse-instruction (instruction)
  (let ((i (format nil "~5,'0d" instruction)))
    ;; KLUDGE: This thing does too many things.
    ;; Handle case for halt value better, and maybe split the mv-bind?
    (values (if (string= (subseq i 3) "99")
                (parse-integer (subseq i 4)))
            (reverse (mapcar #'parse-integer
                             (split "" (subseq i 0 3)))))))

(defmacro with-modes (&body body)
  "Anaphoric MODES variables"
  `(let* ((modes (nth-value
                  1 (parse-instruction
                     (get-mem 1 (instruction-pointer *intcode*)))))
          (first-param-mode (car modes))
          (second-param-mode (cadr modes)))

(defmacro with-x (&body body)
  "Anaphoric X value"
  `(let ((x (+ (instruction-pointer *intcode*) 1)))

(defmacro with-xy (&body body)
  "Anaphoric X Y values"
  `(let ((x (+ (instruction-pointer *intcode*) 1))
         (y (+ (instruction-pointer *intcode*) 2)))

(defmacro with-xyz (&body body)
  "Anaphoric X Y Z values"
  `(let ((x (+ (instruction-pointer *intcode*) 1))
         (y (+ (instruction-pointer *intcode*) 2))
         (z (+ (instruction-pointer *intcode*) 3)))

(defun actions (instruction)
  (ecase instruction
(defun instruction (instruction)
  (ecase (parse-instruction instruction)
    (1 'add)
    (2 'mult)
    (3 'input)
    (4 'output)
    (5 'jump-if-true)
    (6 'jump-if-false)
    (7 'less-than)
    (8 'equals)
    (99 'halt)))

(defun get-next-action ()
(defun next-instruction ()
  (with-intcode (memory instruction-pointer)
    (actions (aref memory instruction-pointer))))

(defmacro def-instruction (name operation)
  `(defun ,name ()
    (with-intcode (instruction-pointer memory)
      (let ((x (+ instruction-pointer 1))
            (y (+ instruction-pointer 2))
            (z (+ instruction-pointer 3)))
        (incf instruction-pointer *increment-counter*)
        (setf (aref memory (aref memory z))
              (,operation (aref memory (aref memory x))
                 (aref memory (aref memory y))))))))

(def-instruction add +)
(def-instruction mult *)
    (instruction (aref memory instruction-pointer))))

(defun (setf set-mem) (value position)
  (with-intcode (memory)
    (setf (aref memory (aref memory position)) value)))

(defun get-mem (mode position)
  (with-intcode (memory)
    (if (zerop mode)
        (aref memory (aref memory position))
        (aref memory position))))

(defmacro with-instruction-pointer (&body body)
  `(with-intcode (instruction-pointer)

(defmacro with-binary-expr (&body body)
         (incf instruction-pointer 4)))))

(defmacro with-jump (&body body)
         (incf instruction-pointer 3)))))

(defmacro with-io (&body body)
       (incf instruction-pointer 2))))

(defun add ()
    (setf (set-mem z) (+ (get-mem first-param-mode x)
                         (get-mem second-param-mode y)))))

(defun mult ()
    (setf (set-mem z) (* (get-mem first-param-mode x)
                         (get-mem second-param-mode y)))))

(defun input ()
    (setf (set-mem x) (parse-integer (read-line)))))

(defun output ()
    (print (get-mem 0 x))))

(defun jump-if-true ()
    (unless (zerop (get-mem first-param-mode x))
      (setf instruction-pointer (get-mem second-param-mode y))
      (return-from jump-if-true))))

(defun jump-if-false ()
    (when (zerop (get-mem first-param-mode x))
      (setf instruction-pointer (get-mem second-param-mode y))
      (return-from jump-if-false))))

(defun less-than ()
    (if (< (get-mem first-param-mode x)
           (get-mem second-param-mode y))
        (setf (set-mem z) 1)
        (setf (set-mem z) 0))))

(defun equals ()
    (if (= (get-mem first-param-mode x)
           (get-mem second-param-mode y))
        (setf (set-mem z) 1)
        (setf (set-mem z) 0))))

(defun halt () :halt)

(defun init-intcode (filename)
  (let* ((op-codes (read-op-codes filename))
         (mem-size (length op-codes)))
    (with-intcode (memory instruction-pointer memory-size)
      (setf memory-size mem-size)
    (with-intcode (memory instruction-pointer)
      (setf instruction-pointer 0)
      (setf memory (make-array mem-size :initial-contents op-codes))

@@ 74,7 176,7 @@
  "Makes an assumption that memory is set, either from INIT-INTCODE or manually."
  (with-intcode (memory instruction-pointer)
    (setf instruction-pointer 0)
    (do* ((action (get-next-action) (get-next-action)))
    (do* ((action (next-instruction) (next-instruction)))
         ((eql action 'halt) (aref memory 0))
      (funcall action))))