add: -l prints plus without colors, for piping
fix: sourcing file prints usage
fix: print proper usage with no args
Snag is an ultra-simple and minimal "plugin manager" for zsh.
To function properly, snag requires that you have git
To install "plugins"
# .zshrc
# all plugins are cloned to $ZDOTDIR/plug
# in the pattern user/repo
snag-use "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting"
snag-use "hlissner/zsh-autopair"
# to use plugins with script names not similar to the repo name,
# pass in a second argument of the filename relative path without '.plugin.zsh'/'.zsh' file extension
snag-use "ael-code/zsh-colored-man-pages" "colored-man-pages"
Command line options:
-u PLUG install plugin from repo user/repo
-r PLUG remove installed plugin user/repo
-D purge all installed plugins
-s update installed plugins
-l list all plugins
-i PLUG get info on a plugin to stdout or pager if set
-h, --help print help dialouge
-v, --version print current snag version
For more detailed documentation:
man snag
mkdir $ZDOTDIR/plug
git clone
cd snag
make install
Source it in your .zshrc:
# .zshrc
# by default snag is installed here
# if you install it somewhere else change accordingly
source "~/.local/share/bin/snag"
To install only man pages:
make man
To uninstall:
cd /path/to/snag/repo
make uninstall
manual method
rm -f ~/.local/share/bin/snag
rm -f ~/.local/share/man/man1/snag.1.gz
If you want to contibute, file issues in the tracker and send patches to the mailing list
This tool relies on having your $ZDOTDIR
evironment variable set, and will not function properly if not set.