
61af3afcb25258d0cc697b4f90ed0978a984f9ad — Daniel Rose 3 years ago 0b6d8ca
Add xautolock to xprofile
1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

M artix/.config/x11/xprofile
M artix/.config/x11/xprofile => artix/.config/x11/xprofile +11 -10
@@ 8,13 8,14 @@ source ~/.zprofile
# Startup programs
kilall remaps setbg dunst unclutter flameshot xrandr nextcloud runsvdir

remaps &                         # change keys to be better for EVIL
setbg &			         # set the background with the `setbg` script
dunst &			         # dunst for notifications
xset r rate 300 50 &	         # speed xrate up
unclutter &		         # remove mouse when idle
flameshot &                      # screenshots
xrandr --dpi 125.37 &            # fix DPI
nextcloud &                      # start Nextcloud client for file syncing
runsvdir ~/.runit/runsvdir &     # start user services
dockd --daemon &
remaps &                          # change keys to be better for EVIL
setbg &			          # set the background with the `setbg` script
dunst &			          # dunst for notifications
xset r rate 300 50 &	          # speed xrate up
unclutter &		          # remove mouse when idle
flameshot &                       # screenshots
xrandr --dpi 125.37 &             # fix DPI
nextcloud &                       # start Nextcloud client for file syncing
runsvdir ~/.runit/runsvdir &      # start user services
xautolock -time 5 -locker slock & # lock screen after five minutes
dockd --daemon &                  # handle dock for thinkpad x230