11 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 369 deletions(-)
A arch/.config/nyxt
D arch/.config/nyxt/auto-config.lisp
D arch/.config/nyxt/init.lisp
A artix/.config/nyxt
D artix/.config/nyxt/auto-config.lisp
D artix/.config/nyxt/init.lisp
D artix/.config/nyxt/keymap.lisp
R artix/.config/nyxt/colorscheme.lisp => nyxt.org
R arch/.config/nyxt/colorscheme.lisp => nyxt/colorscheme.lisp
R arch/.config/nyxt/keymap.lisp => nyxt/keymap.lisp
M systems.org
A arch/.config/nyxt => arch/.config/nyxt +1 -0
@@ 0,0 1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
D arch/.config/nyxt/auto-config.lisp => arch/.config/nyxt/auto-config.lisp +0 -2
@@ 1,2 0,0 @@
D arch/.config/nyxt/init.lisp => arch/.config/nyxt/init.lisp +0 -76
@@ 1,76 0,0 @@
-;; Custom configuration for Nyxt
-(in-package #:nyxt-user)
-(dolist (file (list (nyxt-init-file "keymap.lisp")
- (nyxt-init-file "colorscheme.lisp")))
- (load file))
-;; (load-after-system :nx-kaomoji (nyxt-init-file "kaomoji.lisp"))
-;; (load-after-system :nx-ace (nyxt-init-file "ace.lisp"))
-;; (load-after-system :slynk (nyxt-init-file "slynk.lisp"))
-;; Don't popup to restore history; just do it.
-(define-configuration browser
- ((session-restore-prompt :always-restore)))
-;; Set default actions for certain URLs such as opening files in Emacs
-(defun old-reddit-handler (request-data)
- (let ((url (url request-data)))
- (setf (url request-data)
- (if (search "reddit.com" (quri:uri-host url))
- (progn
- (setf (quri:uri-host url) "old.reddit.com")
- (log:info "Switching to old Reddit: ~s" (render-url url))
- url)
- url)))
- request-data)
-(define-configuration web-buffer
- ((request-resource-hook
- (hooks:add-hook %slot-default% (make-handler-resource #'old-reddit-handler)))))
-(define-configuration buffer
- ((request-resource-hook (reduce #'hooks:add-hook
- (list (url-dispatching-handler
- 'transmission-magnet-links
- (match-scheme "magnet")
- "transmission-remote --add ~a")
- (url-dispatching-handler
- 'emacs-file
- (match-scheme "file")
- (lambda (url)
- (uiop:launch-program
- `("emacs" ,(quri:uri-path url)))
- nil)))
- :initial-value %slot-default%))))
-(define-configuration (buffer internal-buffer editor-buffer prompt-buffer)
- ((default-modes `(emacs-mode ,@%slot-default%))
- (download-engine :renderer)
- (conservative-word-move t)))
-(define-configuration (web-buffer nosave-buffer)
- ((default-modes `(emacs-mode
- blocker-mode
- reduce-tracking-mode
- ;; force-https-mode Causing issues, can't temporarily disable this.
- certificate-exception-mode
- auto-mode
- ,@%slot-default%))))
-(setf nyxt/certificate-exception-mode:*default-certificate-exceptions*
- '("" "" "" ""))
-(define-configuration prompt-buffer
- ((hide-single-source-header-p t)))
-(define-configuration nosave-buffer
- ((default-modes `(proxy-mode ,@%slot-default%))))
-(define-configuration nyxt/web-mode:web-mode
- ;; QWERTY home row.
- ((nyxt/web-mode:hints-alphabet "DSJKHLFAGNMXCWEIO")
- (glyph "ω")))
-(define-configuration nyxt/auto-mode:auto-mode
- ((nyxt/auto-mode:prompt-on-mode-toggle t)
- (glyph "α")))
A artix/.config/nyxt => artix/.config/nyxt +1 -0
@@ 0,0 1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
D artix/.config/nyxt/auto-config.lisp => artix/.config/nyxt/auto-config.lisp +0 -2
@@ 1,2 0,0 @@
D artix/.config/nyxt/init.lisp => artix/.config/nyxt/init.lisp +0 -76
@@ 1,76 0,0 @@
-;; Custom configuration for Nyxt
-(in-package #:nyxt-user)
-(dolist (file (list (nyxt-init-file "keymap.lisp")
- (nyxt-init-file "colorscheme.lisp")))
- (load file))
-;; (load-after-system :nx-kaomoji (nyxt-init-file "kaomoji.lisp"))
-;; (load-after-system :nx-ace (nyxt-init-file "ace.lisp"))
-;; (load-after-system :slynk (nyxt-init-file "slynk.lisp"))
-;; Don't popup to restore history; just do it.
-(define-configuration browser
- ((session-restore-prompt :always-restore)))
-;; Set default actions for certain URLs such as opening files in Emacs
-(defun old-reddit-handler (request-data)
- (let ((url (url request-data)))
- (setf (url request-data)
- (if (search "reddit.com" (quri:uri-host url))
- (progn
- (setf (quri:uri-host url) "old.reddit.com")
- (log:info "Switching to old Reddit: ~s" (render-url url))
- url)
- url)))
- request-data)
-(define-configuration web-buffer
- ((request-resource-hook
- (hooks:add-hook %slot-default% (make-handler-resource #'old-reddit-handler)))))
-(define-configuration buffer
- ((request-resource-hook (reduce #'hooks:add-hook
- (list (url-dispatching-handler
- 'transmission-magnet-links
- (match-scheme "magnet")
- "transmission-remote --add ~a")
- (url-dispatching-handler
- 'emacs-file
- (match-scheme "file")
- (lambda (url)
- (uiop:launch-program
- `("emacs" ,(quri:uri-path url)))
- nil)))
- :initial-value %slot-default%))))
-(define-configuration (buffer internal-buffer editor-buffer prompt-buffer)
- ((default-modes `(emacs-mode ,@%slot-default%))
- (download-engine :renderer)
- (conservative-word-move t)))
-(define-configuration (web-buffer nosave-buffer)
- ((default-modes `(emacs-mode
- blocker-mode
- reduce-tracking-mode
- ;; force-https-mode Causing issues, can't temporarily disable this.
- certificate-exception-mode
- auto-mode
- ,@%slot-default%))))
-(setf nyxt/certificate-exception-mode:*default-certificate-exceptions*
- '("" "" "" ""))
-(define-configuration prompt-buffer
- ((hide-single-source-header-p t)))
-(define-configuration nosave-buffer
- ((default-modes `(proxy-mode ,@%slot-default%))))
-(define-configuration nyxt/web-mode:web-mode
- ;; QWERTY home row.
- ((nyxt/web-mode:hints-alphabet "DSJKHLFAGNMXCWEIO")
- (glyph "ω")))
-(define-configuration nyxt/auto-mode:auto-mode
- ((nyxt/auto-mode:prompt-on-mode-toggle t)
- (glyph "α")))
D artix/.config/nyxt/keymap.lisp => artix/.config/nyxt/keymap.lisp +0 -1
@@ 1,1 0,0 @@
-;; Extra keybindings to Emacs keymap for Nyxt
R artix/.config/nyxt/colorscheme.lisp => nyxt.org +104 -0
@@ 1,3 1,100 @@
+#+TITLE: Nyxt Config
+#+DESCRIPTION: The configuration for my systems using Arch Linux.
+#+STARTUP: overview
+#+OPTIONS: num:nil
+#+ATTR_HTML: :style margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;
+#+PROPERTY: header-args :tangle nyxt/init.lisp :tangle-mode (identity #o444) :mkdirp yes
+Configuration for Nyxt browser, my favourite non-Firefox browser. Once
+WebExtensions are available, this will definitely be my main browser.
+* ~init.lisp~
+#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
+;; Custom configuration for Nyxt
+(in-package #:nyxt-user)
+(dolist (file (list (nyxt-init-file "keymap.lisp")
+ (nyxt-init-file "colorscheme.lisp")))
+ (load file))
+;; (load-after-system :nx-kaomoji (nyxt-init-file "kaomoji.lisp"))
+;; (load-after-system :nx-ace (nyxt-init-file "ace.lisp"))
+;; (load-after-system :slynk (nyxt-init-file "slynk.lisp"))
+;; Don't popup to restore history; just do it.
+(define-configuration browser
+ ((session-restore-prompt :always-restore)))
+;; Set default actions for certain URLs such as opening files in Emacs
+(defun old-reddit-handler (request-data)
+ (let ((url (url request-data)))
+ (setf (url request-data)
+ (if (search "reddit.com" (quri:uri-host url))
+ (progn
+ (setf (quri:uri-host url) "old.reddit.com")
+ (log:info "Switching to old Reddit: ~s" (render-url url))
+ url)
+ url)))
+ request-data)
+(define-configuration web-buffer
+ ((request-resource-hook
+ (hooks:add-hook %slot-default% (make-handler-resource #'old-reddit-handler)))))
+(define-configuration buffer
+ ((request-resource-hook (reduce #'hooks:add-hook
+ (list (url-dispatching-handler
+ 'transmission-magnet-links
+ (match-scheme "magnet")
+ "transmission-remote --add ~a")
+ (url-dispatching-handler
+ 'emacs-file
+ (match-scheme "file")
+ (lambda (url)
+ (uiop:launch-program
+ `("emacs" ,(quri:uri-path url)))
+ nil)))
+ :initial-value %slot-default%))))
+(define-configuration (buffer internal-buffer editor-buffer prompt-buffer)
+ ((default-modes `(emacs-mode ,@%slot-default%))
+ (download-engine :renderer)
+ (conservative-word-move t)))
+(define-configuration (web-buffer nosave-buffer)
+ ((default-modes `(emacs-mode
+ blocker-mode
+ reduce-tracking-mode
+ ;; force-https-mode Causing issues, can't temporarily disable this.
+ certificate-exception-mode
+ auto-mode
+ ,@%slot-default%))))
+(setf nyxt/certificate-exception-mode:*default-certificate-exceptions*
+ '("" "" "" "" "patsa.org"))
+(define-configuration prompt-buffer
+ ((hide-single-source-header-p t)))
+(define-configuration nosave-buffer
+ ((default-modes `(proxy-mode ,@%slot-default%))))
+(define-configuration nyxt/web-mode:web-mode
+ ;; QWERTY home row.
+ ((nyxt/web-mode:hints-alphabet "DSJKHLFAGNMXCWEIO")
+ (glyph "ω")))
+(define-configuration nyxt/auto-mode:auto-mode
+ ((nyxt/auto-mode:prompt-on-mode-toggle t)
+ (glyph "α")))
+* ~colorscheme.lisp~
+A quick colorscheme I slapped together to match my Emacs theme for
+#+BEGIN_SRC lisp :tangle nyxt/colorscheme.lisp
;; Custom colourscheme for Nyxt
(in-package #:nyxt-user)
@@ 110,3 207,10 @@
:background-color "#282C34 !important"
:background-image "none !important"
:color "#98C379 !important"))))))
+* ~keymap.lisp~
+#+BEGIN_SRC lisp :tangle nyxt/keymap.lisp
+;; Extra keybindings to Emacs keymap for Nyxt
R arch/.config/nyxt/colorscheme.lisp => nyxt/colorscheme.lisp +0 -0
R arch/.config/nyxt/keymap.lisp => nyxt/keymap.lisp +0 -0
M systems.org => systems.org +4 -212
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
-#+TITLE: Arch Systems Config
+#+TITLE: Arch-based Systems Config
#+AUTHOR: Daniel Rose (The Catster)
#+DESCRIPTION: The configuration for my systems using Arch Linux.
#+STARTUP: overview
@@ 10,7 10,9 @@
Since I do not use Guix as my main OS anymore, this is structured a
bit differently. Still in a literate manner, I list out all my
-packages in "pseudo-manifests" and install them by piping into ~paru~.
+packages in "pseudo-manifests" and install them by piping into ~paru~
+(or whatever package manager I'll be using for
+Arch/Artix/Parabola/Hyperbola in the future :D).
This still works in a similar manner, and is better than nothing!
@@ 398,216 400,6 @@ sddm
-* Nyxt
-Configuration for Nyxt browser, my favourite non-Firefox browser. Once
-WebExtensions are available, this will definitely be my main browser.
-** ~init.lisp~
-#+BEGIN_SRC lisp :tangle .config/nyxt/init.lisp
-;; Custom configuration for Nyxt
-(in-package #:nyxt-user)
-(dolist (file (list (nyxt-init-file "keymap.lisp")
- (nyxt-init-file "colorscheme.lisp")))
- (load file))
-;; (load-after-system :nx-kaomoji (nyxt-init-file "kaomoji.lisp"))
-;; (load-after-system :nx-ace (nyxt-init-file "ace.lisp"))
-;; (load-after-system :slynk (nyxt-init-file "slynk.lisp"))
-;; Don't popup to restore history; just do it.
-(define-configuration browser
- ((session-restore-prompt :always-restore)))
-;; Set default actions for certain URLs such as opening files in Emacs
-(defun old-reddit-handler (request-data)
- (let ((url (url request-data)))
- (setf (url request-data)
- (if (search "reddit.com" (quri:uri-host url))
- (progn
- (setf (quri:uri-host url) "old.reddit.com")
- (log:info "Switching to old Reddit: ~s" (render-url url))
- url)
- url)))
- request-data)
-(define-configuration web-buffer
- ((request-resource-hook
- (hooks:add-hook %slot-default% (make-handler-resource #'old-reddit-handler)))))
-(define-configuration buffer
- ((request-resource-hook (reduce #'hooks:add-hook
- (list (url-dispatching-handler
- 'transmission-magnet-links
- (match-scheme "magnet")
- "transmission-remote --add ~a")
- (url-dispatching-handler
- 'emacs-file
- (match-scheme "file")
- (lambda (url)
- (uiop:launch-program
- `("emacs" ,(quri:uri-path url)))
- nil)))
- :initial-value %slot-default%))))
-(define-configuration (buffer internal-buffer editor-buffer prompt-buffer)
- ((default-modes `(emacs-mode ,@%slot-default%))
- (download-engine :renderer)
- (conservative-word-move t)))
-(define-configuration (web-buffer nosave-buffer)
- ((default-modes `(emacs-mode
- blocker-mode
- reduce-tracking-mode
- ;; force-https-mode Causing issues, can't temporarily disable this.
- certificate-exception-mode
- auto-mode
- ,@%slot-default%))))
-(setf nyxt/certificate-exception-mode:*default-certificate-exceptions*
- '("" "" "" ""))
-(define-configuration prompt-buffer
- ((hide-single-source-header-p t)))
-(define-configuration nosave-buffer
- ((default-modes `(proxy-mode ,@%slot-default%))))
-(define-configuration nyxt/web-mode:web-mode
- ;; QWERTY home row.
- ((nyxt/web-mode:hints-alphabet "DSJKHLFAGNMXCWEIO")
- (glyph "ω")))
-(define-configuration nyxt/auto-mode:auto-mode
- ((nyxt/auto-mode:prompt-on-mode-toggle t)
- (glyph "α")))
-** ~colorscheme.lisp~
-A quick colorscheme I slapped together to match my Emacs theme for
-#+BEGIN_SRC lisp :tangle .config/nyxt/colorscheme.lisp
-;; Custom colourscheme for Nyxt
-(in-package #:nyxt-user)
-(define-configuration window
- ((message-buffer-style
- (str:concat
- %slot-default%
- (cl-css:css
- '((body
- :background-color "#282C34"
- :color "white")))))))
-(define-configuration prompt-buffer
- ((style (str:concat
- %slot-default%
- (cl-css:css
- '((body
- :background-color "#282C34"
- :color "white")
- ("#prompt-area"
- :background-color "#282C34")
- ("#input"
- :background-color "white")
- (".source-name"
- :color "#282C34"
- :background-color "#98C379")
- (".source-content"
- :background-color "#282C34")
- (".source-content th"
- :border "1px solid #98C379"
- :background-color "#282C34")
- ("#selection"
- :background-color "#B971CF"
- :color "#282C34")
- (.marked :background-color "#B971CF"
- :font-weight "bold"
- :color "white")
- (.selected :background-color "#282C34"
- :color "white")))))))
-(define-configuration internal-buffer
- ((style
- (str:concat
- %slot-default%
- (cl-css:css
- '((title
- :color "#B971CF")
- (body
- :background-color "#282C34"
- :color "lightgray")
- (hr
- :color "darkgray")
- (a
- :color "#98C379")
- (.button
- :color "#282C34"
- :background-color "#98C379")))))))
-(define-configuration nyxt/history-tree-mode:history-tree-mode
- ((nyxt/history-tree-mode::style
- (str:concat
- %slot-default%
- (cl-css:css
- '((body
- :background-color "#282C34"
- :color "lightgray")
- (hr
- :color "darkgray")
- (a
- :color "#98C379")
- ("ul li::before"
- :background-color "white")
- ("ul li::after"
- :background-color "white")
- ("ul li:only-child::before"
- :background-color "white")))))))
-(define-configuration nyxt/web-mode:web-mode
- ((nyxt/web-mode:highlighted-box-style
- (cl-css:css
- '((".nyxt-hint.nyxt-highlight-hint"
- :background "#B971CF")))
- :documentation "The style of highlighted boxes, e.g. link hints.")))
-(define-configuration status-buffer
- ((style (str:concat
- %slot-default%
- (cl-css:css
- '(("#controls"
- :border-top "1px solid white")
- ("#url"
- :background-color "#282C34"
- :color "white"
- :border-top "1px solid white")
- ("#modes"
- :background-color "#282C34"
- :border-top "1px solid white")
- ("#tabs"
- :background-color "#282C34"
- :color "#282C34"
- :border-top "1px solid white")))))))
-(define-configuration nyxt/style-mode:dark-mode
- ((style #.(cl-css:css
- '((*
- :background-color "#282C34 !important"
- :background-image "none !important"
- :color "white")
- (a
- :background-color "#282C34 !important"
- :background-image "none !important"
- :color "#98C379 !important"))))))
-** ~keymap.lisp~
-#+BEGIN_SRC lisp :tangle .config/nyxt/keymap.lisp
-;; Extra keybindings to Emacs keymap for Nyxt
* Profile Management
By having separate "manifests," I can copy the concept of the GNU Guix
profiles. This doesn't work quite the same, but is better than