@@ 413,6 413,10 @@ mod tests {
println!("Created actor");
+ // Hook up our collector
+ let collector_out = actor.stream_sync(None).unwrap();
+ println!("Hooked up collector");
+ assert!(actor.catchup().wait_sync());
// Create a channel to collect our outputs
let (tx, rx) = flume::unbounded();
// Create 100 individual tasks that each add 1 to the actor
@@ 437,9 441,6 @@ mod tests {
println!("Pushed callbacks into actor");
- // Hook up our collector
- let collector_out = actor.stream_sync(None).unwrap();
- println!("Hooked up collector");
// Fill our actor's inbox with some threads
for x in events {
// Some cheeky cloning of the actor