@@ 12,9 12,11 @@ print_debug() {
[ -n "$cgiargs" ] && printf "| (2) \$cgiargs : %s\n" "$cgiargs"
[ -n "$cgihost" ] && printf "| (3) \$cgihost : %s\n" "$cgihost"
[ -n "$cgiport" ] && printf "| (4) \$cgiport : %s\n" "$cgiport"
+ printf "+----------------+\n"
[ -n "$url" ] && printf "| \$url : %s\n" "$url"
[ -n "$host" ] && printf "| \$host : %s\n" "$host"
[ -n "$gatepath" ] && printf "| \$gatepath : %s\n" "$gatepath"
+ printf "+----------------+\n"
[ -n "$status" ] && printf "| \$status : %s\n" "$status"
[ -n "$code" ] && printf "| \$code : %s\n" "$code"
[ -n "$mime" ] && printf "| \$mime : %s\n" "$mime"
@@ 28,16 30,20 @@ cgihost="$3"
# Needed to send the request and assemble working links
-if [ -n "$cgiargs" ]; then
- url="gemini://$(echo "$cgiargs" | cut -d '?' -f2)"
- host="$(echo "$url" | cut -d '/' -f3)"
+if [ -n "$cgiargs" ]; then # We're following a link through the proxy
+ url="gemini://$cgiargs"
+ host="$(echo "$cgiargs" | cut -d '/' -f1)"
+ gatepath="$cgiargs"
printf "CGI Error: \$cgisearch and \$cgiargs are empty\n"
+# Make sure there's a trailing slash on naked domains
+[ ! "$(echo "$url" | cut -d '/' -f4)" ] && url="$url/"
# ncat doesn't like host:port URIs
if [ -n "$url" ] && [ -n "$host" ] ; then
printf "%s\r\n\r\n" "$url" | ncat --ssl "$host" 1965 >/tmp/astrogate || {
@@ 49,7 55,6 @@ if [ -n "$url" ] && [ -n "$host" ] ; then
status="$(head -1 /tmp/astrogate)"
code="$(echo "$status" | cut -d ' ' -f1)"
mime="$(echo "$status" | cut -d ' ' -f2 | tr -d ';')"
- gatepath="${url##gemini:\/\/}"
[ -z "$status" ] && {
printf "CGI Error: gemini response (\$status line) is empty\n"
@@ 64,7 69,7 @@ if [ -n "$url" ] && [ -n "$host" ] ; then
case "$mime" in
sed "s/\t/ /g; 1 d" /tmp/astrogate \
- | awk -v gatepath="$path" -v host="$host" -f ./gmi2gph.awk
+ | awk -v path="$gatepath" -v host="$host" -f ./gmi2gph.awk
sed "s/\t/ /g; 1 d" /tmp/astrogate
@@ 73,7 78,7 @@ if [ -n "$url" ] && [ -n "$host" ] ; then
# TODO: differentiate between text for display and binary to dl
printf "WARNING: \$mime (%s) is something else\n" "$mime"
sed "s/\t/ /g; 1 d" /tmp/astrogate \
- | awk -v gatepath="$path" -v host="$host" -f ./gmi2gph.awk
+ | awk -v path="$gatepath" -v host="$host" -f ./gmi2gph.awk