
Python API for the CAFE decision support tool
Bump gistools requirement
Add requirements to pyproject.toml
Fix names for EPCI columns



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


Warning: this package is in early alpha, the API can change at any time without warning.

Python API for the CAFE decision support tool: compute deposits of organic matter and nutrients in a local area. The main license is AGPL 3.0+.


They can be obtained via pip install -r requirements.txt.


Install locally after you've installed the dependencies via:

pip install .

or if you want to develop

pip install -e .

#Initialize data for your country

Note: only France is available at the moment.

To download the data that will be necessary to run the calculation for your country, use

pycafe-init <the name of your country or its alpha 3 ISO>

E.g. for France, use

pycafe-init France


pycafe-init FRA