M main.fnl => main.fnl +4 -1
@@ 74,7 74,10 @@
[:div {:class "fengari-input-container"}
[:label {:id "fengari-prompt" :for "fengari-input"} "> "]
[:textarea {:class "lua" :id "fengari-input" :rows 1
- :placeholder "Type code here..."}]
+ :placeholder "Type code here..."
+ :spellcheck "false"
+ :autocorrect "off"
+ :autocapitalize "off"}]
[:button {:id "toggle-compiled-code"}
"Toggle Lua code"]]]
[:div {:class "code code-flex" :id "lua-pane"}
M see.html => see.html +7 -3
@@ 13,12 13,16 @@
<h1>See Fennel</h1>
<div class="editor">
- <textarea id="fennel-source" placeholder="Enter some Fennel code to see it compiled to Lua!"></textarea>
+ <textarea id="fennel-source"
+ placeholder="Enter some Fennel code to see it compiled to Lua!"
+ spellcheck="false" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off"></textarea>
<pre aria-hidden="true" id="fennel-highlighted"></pre>
- <div class="editor">
- <textarea id="lua-source" placeholder="Or enter some Lua to see it compiled to Fennel..."></textarea>
+ <div id="lua-editor" class="editor">
+ <textarea id="lua-source"
+ placeholder="Or enter some Lua to see it compiled to Fennel..."
+ spellcheck="false" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off"></textarea>
<pre aria-hidden="true" id="lua-highlighted"></pre>