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A simple package for transforming the Serverless config at build time. This was used for a gulpfile initially, but should be applicable otherwise. The original idea was to allow local development plugins to be different from those used for the production deployment.
This file is a reduced example based on a production gulpfile.
import { dest, series, src, task } from "gulp";
import ts from "gulp-typescript";
import merge from "merge2";
import {
} from "@0xc/serverless-config-transformer";
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */
const del = require("del");
const serverlessGulp = require("serverless-gulp");
const currentFolder = ".";
const backupFolder = ".backup";
const slsFile = "serverless.yml";
const slsFilePath = `${currentFolder}/${slsFile}`;
const backupSlsFilePath = `${backupFolder}/${slsFile}`;
const overwrite = { overwrite: true };
const serverlessConfigTransformer = new ServerlessConfigTransformer({
converter: config => {
config.plugins = ["serverless-webpack"];
config.provider.package.include = ["dist/**"];
config.custom = { webpack: config.custom!.webpack };
config.functions = Object.keys(config.functions).reduce(
(functions, key) => ({
[key]: {
handler: config.functions[key].handler.replace(/^src\//, "dist/"),
{} as Serverless.Functions,
return config;
function backupConfig() {
return src(slsFilePath).pipe(dest(backupFolder));
function updateConfig() {
return src(slsFilePath, { read: true }).pipe(serverlessConfigTransformer);
function restoreConfig() {
return src(backupSlsFilePath).pipe(dest(currentFolder, overwrite));
const tsProject = ts.createProject("");
const outDir = "dist";
function compile(includeSourceMaps = false) {
return () => {
const srcs = tsProject.src().pipe(tsProject());
if (includeSourceMaps) {
return merge(srcs.js.pipe(dest(outDir)), srcs.dts.pipe(dest(outDir)));
return srcs.js.pipe(dest(outDir));
function clean() {
return del([outDir]);
task("clean", clean);
task("build", series("clean", compile(false)));
task("config:backup", backupConfig);
task("config:update", updateConfig);
task("config:restore", restoreConfig);
task("predeploy", series("config:backup", "config:update", "build"));
task("postdeploy", series("config:restore"));
This package only handles transformation of the Serverless config, which is a literal file transformation. You should backup and restore the original config yourself. Or at the very least, don't commit the changes made.