Upgrade to Alpine Linux 3.21
tardypad.me: bump version
tardypad.me: bump version
tardypad.me: bump version
system-config: decrease the cache time of gotosocial remote media
tardypad.me: bump version
tardypad.me: rebuild
New HTPASSWD passwords without $ symbol that is causing issue because it
is removes during the Makefiles processing. We would otherwise need to
escape it by using a double $$.
tardypad.me: bump version
tardypad.me: rebuild
carl password was somehow wrong
Upgrade to Alpine Linux 3.20
tardypad.me: bump version
system-config: add htop package
system-config: enable custom CSS for gotosocial account page
system-config: add gotosocial package with config
tardypad.me: bump version for social.tardypad.me
tardypad.me: bump version
setup: set SSH port in separate config file
Now automatically included by default config
tardypad.me: bump version
setup: update SSH public key