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mpv ports of some libretro shaders for use with native-resolution encodes of Tool Assisted Speedruns
add crt-royale-ntsc-composite-intel.glsl
add gizmo-crt
add crt-hyllian


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#Retro console shaders for MPV

Port of some libretro shaders for use with mpv. Useful for watching Tool Assisted Speedruns at native resolution from

Some of the shaders have been automatically generated using mpv-libretro.


  1. Clone this repository inside mpv's config folder:

    mkdir -p ~/.config/mpv/shaders
    git clone ~/.config/mpv/shaders/mpv-retro-shaders
  2. Add this snippet at the top of your mpv.conf configuration file:

  3. Start mpv with a shader profile, e.g. crt-lottes:

    mpv --profile=crt-lottes my_video.mp4

#Usage with upscaled videos

To use these shaders with upscaled videos, you need to downscale the video with a filter like so:

mpv --vf=format=convert=yes:fmt=yuv444p,lavfi=[scale=$WIDTH:$HEIGHT:flags=neighbor,setsar=1:1] \
    --profile=crt-guest-advanced-ntsc \

Change $WIDTH:$HEIGHT to the actual resolution of the game (e.g. 342:224, or 256:224).

See the following for more details on video filters:

#Available shaders

  • CRT guest advanced shader (--profile=crt-guest-advanced-ntsc) emulates CRT looks. See crtgan for info on parameters. does not work with --vo=gpu-next

  • Lottes' CRT shader (--profile=crt-lottes) emulates several CRT looks. Change the SHADOW_MASK parameter (0-4) to switch CRT types. Change the CURVATURE parameter to set the curvature of the screen.

  • CRT royale (--profile=crt-royale-fb-intel), fake bloom, intel preset. requires --vo=gpu-next

  • Gameboy Advance color shader (--profile=gba) make the colors look as if on a GBA screen.


Each shader is distributed under a different license. See their source for details.

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