
Proof of concept for feeding Toolforge tool logs into Grafana Loki
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#Toolforge Loki logging

Proof of concept for feeding Toolforge tool logs into Grafana Loki


The write path mostly works, the read path still needs some thinking.


Stuff needed for production deployment:

  • Client cert authentication for writes
  • Certs/ingress/etc for the read path
  • TLS for intra-cluster traffic maybe?
  • Loki might need persistent storage or a statefulset for data not written to S3 yet
  • Per-tenant limits
  • Ensure we don't ingest ingress-nginx logs to the admin instance
    • TBD if we want to ignore them or get them to a separate ingress instance


This needs containerd. Toolforge is currently running Docker, but this is changing due to K8s changes in T284656.

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