
Tooling to locate SUL accounts of all Toolforge tool maintainers
filter locked SUL accounts
find-maintainers: Filter out locked developer accounts
find-maintainers: filter out wikimedia staff and accounts w/o email


browse  log 



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

#find SUL accounts of all Toolforge tool maintainers

#step 1: find all developer accounts who maintain tools

  • run the find-maintainers.py script on a Toolforge bastion
  • copy the output to a text file called maintainers.txt

#step 2: convert developer account names to SUL usernames

  • copy the maintainers.txt to a labweb host
  • launch an interactive shell:
taavi@labweb1001 /srv/deployment/striker/deploy/striker ((ab73041...)) $ sudo /srv/deployment/striker/venv/bin/python3 manage.py shell
  • paste the contents of convert-to-sul.py script, and remember to update the file paths

#step 3: filter out locked SUL accounts

  • copy maintainers-sul.txt from the cloudweb host back to a Toolforge bastion
  • run the filter-locked.py script there
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