Lincoln, NE, USA
PhD student in Empirical SE at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Interested in human factors of programming language design, program analysis in the large, and software repository mining. Emacs user, Lisper.
Overlays and Sidecar for Org-Cite Citations
Export org-inlinetasks as pdfcomments
Universal Sidecar-Denote integration
Get and view information about retractions for the bibliography item at point
A universal "sidecar" buffer for emacs, inspired by the `org-roam-mode` buffer.
Emacs minor mode for Electric OSPL spacing.
Third Time support for Emacs
Load Sets of Buffers more easily
Block running Emacs commands using time.
Randomly ask the user specific questions for productivity data collection
LaTeX presentation of statistics in APA style
Interface between Emacs and Busylight
A simple repository synchronization tool
Tracking Calorie Value data in Emacs