
b28da0092b69ade100ac85dd4116b6238c75c135 — swashberry 3 years ago facf4b0
use vars to reduce get_node calls.

The script for the LicenseDialog node has been modified to only use
`get_node` once for each node within the LicenseDialog.  This is done
for the benefit of programmers who are optimizing their source code.  It
also makes the script more concise.
1 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

M license_dialog.gd
M license_dialog.gd => license_dialog.gd +29 -15
@@ 27,6 27,18 @@ export(String, MULTILINE) onready var label_text = "Clicking one of the " + \
		"components of GAME_NAME and the engine it is built on, the Godot " + \
		"Engine." setget set_label_text, get_label_text

# These variables act as shortcuts to nodes within the LicenseDialog which we
# will be accessing frequently.  The reason we do this is that it's cheaper to
# get the node only once and store its reference in a variable than it is to
# get it every time we need to access it, which is helpful for project managers
# who want to optimize their code.
onready var _info_label = $Label
onready var _component_list = $ComponentList
onready var _attribution_popup = $AttributionDialog
onready var _attribution_textbox = $AttributionDialog/TextBox

# A dictionary which will store licensing information for the game, parsed from
# the game copyright file, and a corresponding TreeItem which will display this
# information.

@@ 50,10 62,12 @@ func _ready():
	var game_name = project_name
	if game_name == "":
		game_name = ProjectSettings.get_setting( "application/config/name" )
	$Label.set_text( label_text.replace( "GAME_NAME", game_name ) )

	var parsed_text = label_text.replace( "GAME_NAME", game_name )
	_info_label.set_text( parsed_text )

	# Create the root for the component list tree.
	var component_list = $ComponentList
	var root = component_list.create_item()
	var root = _component_list.create_item()

	# Populate the game components & licensing information from the copyright
	# file.

@@ 63,23 77,23 @@ func _ready():
		push_warning( "Couldn't read any copyright data for this game!" )
		# Create a subtree for the project components list.
		project_components_tree = component_list.create_item( root )
		project_components_tree = _component_list.create_item( root )
		project_components_tree.set_text( 0, game_name )
		project_components_tree.set_selectable( 0, false )
		for component in project_components:
			var component_item = component_list.create_item(
			var component_item = _component_list.create_item(
					project_components_tree )
			component_item.set_text( 0, component )

	# Create a subtree for the Godot Engine components list.
	_godot_components_tree = component_list.create_item( root )
	_godot_components_tree = _component_list.create_item( root )
	_godot_components_tree.set_text( 0, "Godot Engine" )
	_godot_components_tree.set_selectable( 0, false )

	# Populate the Godot Engine components subtree.
	var components: Array = Engine.get_copyright_info()
	for component in components:
		var component_item = component_list.create_item( _godot_components_tree
		var component_item = _component_list.create_item( _godot_components_tree
		component_item.set_text( 0, component["name"] )
		_godot_components[component["name"]] = component["parts"]

@@ 94,7 108,7 @@ func _ready():
		_licenses[keys[index]] = license_info[keys[index]]
	# Create a subtree for the licenses list.
	_licenses_tree = component_list.create_item( root )
	_licenses_tree = _component_list.create_item( root )
	_licenses_tree.set_text( 0, "Licenses" )
	_licenses_tree.set_selectable( 0, false )

@@ 105,7 119,7 @@ func _ready():
	key_count = keys.size()
	for index in key_count:
		var license_item = component_list.create_item( _licenses_tree )
		var license_item = _component_list.create_item( _licenses_tree )
		license_item.set_text( 0, keys[index] )
		license_item.set_selectable( 0, true )

@@ 138,7 152,7 @@ func get_label_text( replace_name: bool = false ) -> String:

func _on_ComponentList_item_selected():
	var selected: TreeItem = $ComponentList.get_selected()
	var selected: TreeItem = _component_list.get_selected()
	var parent: TreeItem = selected.get_parent()
	var title: String = selected.get_text( 0 )
	var parent_title: String = parent.get_text( 0 )

@@ 171,11 185,11 @@ func _display_license_info( var key: String ):

func _popup_attribution_dialog( title: String, text: String ):
	$AttributionDialog.set_title( title )
	$AttributionDialog/TextBox.set_text( text )
	$AttributionDialog/TextBox.scroll_vertical = 0
	$AttributionDialog/TextBox.scroll_horizontal = 0
	_attribution_popup.set_title( title )
	_attribution_textbox.set_text( text )
	_attribution_textbox.scroll_vertical = 0
	_attribution_textbox.scroll_horizontal = 0