@@ 15,7 15,8 @@ double TargetFunction(double x)
//return exp(-x*x); // gaussian
//return tanh(x); // tanh
//return (2.0/(1.0+exp(-x))-1.0); // tanh approximation
- return (x<0.0 ? -1.0 : 1.0) * sqrt(abs(x)); // signed root
+ //return (x<0.0 ? -1.0 : 1.0) * sqrt(abs(x)); // signed root
+ return sin(x); // sin
@@ 51,7 52,8 @@ class PolySearch: public DE::Engine<NUM_COEFFICIENTS>
double actual = TargetFunction(i);
// accumulate error^2
- error += (test-actual)*(test-actual);
+ double e = test - actual;
+ error += e * e;
// inc test count (divisor to get from SE to MSE)