
now: Separate paragraphs

Previously, the <small> elements were flowing together.
Add additional flags to dev target
now: Update for Christmas season 2024
Fix typos

via `typos -w`.
meta: Add typos config

Not currently hooked up to anything (maybe eventually a pre-commit
hook)? No need to add automation here.
now: Update September 30th, 2024
css: Switch <hr> from asterism to dinkus

It seems that the fediverse is attempting to make this their symbol,
which this site has very little to do with. Since this is supposed to
represent a dinkus, just use the full form. Looks better to me than a
typical fleuron in font.

Ref: https://symbol.fediverse.info
Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinkus
til: Add Postgres citext type
Add reasonable cache-control headers to html files
til: Add Go Pass by Value or Pointer
404: Add link back home
Try to fix notFound page

Currently getting:

You have a configured 404 page which does not exist

Probably because hugo moves the static/ assets to the top-level?
Add 404 page for sr.ht pages

Cribbed a bunch of bits from my header template for now; no CSS though.

Implements https://todo.sr.ht/~svbn/stefan.vanburen.xyz/23.
Revert "Convert RSS content to safeHTML"

This reverts commit 88aa910a0ea5b512f8f13aa92c9b9116abd7275e.

This seems to be wrong, at least according to
https://validator.w3.org/feed. Ideally, switch to Atom ASAP.
Various tweaks

* Fix <ins> styling (avoid underline)
* Semantic linebreaks in a couple places
* Remove hardcoded go version in pkg.go.dev link
* Use left-pointing manicules for backlinks (is this peak manicule?)
* Wrap ending <time> elements in <div>s to ensure they're placed below
  any final inline content
Disable syntax highlighting

There's no official way to do this, but by setting `noClasses=false`,
instead of generating inline styles, Hugo will generate CSS classes on
the HTML that's expected to be either targeted by my own CSS, or
generated by Hugo to a separate file[1]. I'll just do neither of those
things :).

The _reason_ to do this is twofold: Hugo's syntax highlighting doesn't
play well in feed validators, and the syntax highlighting seemingly only
generates hardcoded RGB values, so syntax highlighting doesn't play well
with the dark mode of my site. (This seems to be intrinsic to the Chroma

[1]: https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting/#generate-syntax-highlighter-css
Fix deprecated params

Messed this up in 5c6694696c6838facfcf954e4fd63569a4ac0639, oops.
Convert RSS content to safeHTML

Currently getting the following issue on validator.w3.org/feed:

style attribute contains potentially dangerous content: background-color:#fff;-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4;

Not sure if this will fix it, but worth a shot.