@@ 0,0 1,39 @@
+{:title "Mago"
+ :description "A minimal frontmatter library for Janet"}
+# Mago
+`mago` is an extremely simple format and library for writing text
+documents with arbitrary metadata and parsing them in pure Janet.
+This file is a Mago document; a Markdown text file with a Janet struct
+at the beginning and a separator string, followed by the rest of the
+# Demo
+Here's an example of how to use it:
+Janet 1.13.1-e9f6c4f linux/x64 - '(doc)' for help
+repl:1:> (import mago)
+@{mago/parse @{:private true} mago/peg @{:private true} _ @{:value <cycle 0>} mago/default-peg @{:private true} mago/default-separator @{:private true}}
+repl:2:> (mago/parse (slurp "README.md"))
+{:body "\n\n# Mago\n\n`mago` is an extremely simple format and library for writing text\ndocuments with arbitrary metadata and parsing them in pure Janet.\n\nThis file is a Mago document; a Markdown text file with a Janet struct\nat the beginning and a separator string, followed by the rest of the\nbody.\n" :front {:description "A minimal frontmatter library for Janet" :title "Mago"}}
+In other words, `mago/parse` will take a string, split it on the
+separator string, and then parse the frontmatter as a Janet data
+It produces a simple struct where `:front` contains the parsed data
+structure and `:body` contains the rest of the document.
+# Usage
+This allows us to encode text file metadata similarly to Jekyll or
+Multimarkdown. However, it has the advantage, within the Janet
+ecosystem, of not requiring any shelling out to an external program.