@@ 61,7 61,7 @@ be selected for any descendent prototype instances.
## fugue
-[@](#), [Root](#Root), [Root*?](#Root-1), [Root?](#Root-2), [allocate](#allocate), [declare-open-multi](#declare-open-multi), [defgeneric](#defgeneric), [defmethod](#defmethod), [defmulti](#defmulti), [defproto](#defproto), [extend-multi](#extend-multi), [fields](#fields), [get-type-or-proto](#get-type-or-proto), [multimethod-types-match?](#multimethod-types-match), [new-Root](#new-Root), [prototype?](#prototype), [with-slots](#with-slots), [with-slots-as](#with-slots-as)
+[@](#), [Root](#Root), [Root*?](#Root-1), [Root?](#Root-2), [allocate](#allocate), [declare-open-multi](#declare-open-multi), [defgeneric](#defgeneric), [defmethod](#defmethod), [defmulti](#defmulti), [defproto](#defproto), [extend-multi](#extend-multi), [fields](#fields), [get-type-or-proto](#get-type-or-proto), [match](#match), [multimethod-types-match?](#multimethod-types-match), [new-Root](#new-Root), [prototype?](#prototype), [with-slots](#with-slots), [with-slots-as](#with-slots-as)
## @
@@ 81,10 81,9 @@ Accepts two forms:
`(@ SomePrototype some-object :some-field)` - Asserts (as above) at
compile time that `some-field` is defined on `SomePrototype`; at
runtime, checks that `some-object` is a descendent of
-`SomePrototype` and if so, translates to `(some-object
+`SomePrototype` and if so, translates to `(some-object :some-field)`.
-[1]: fugue.janet#L754
+[1]: fugue.janet#L797
## Root
@@ 96,7 95,7 @@ runtime, checks that `some-object` is a descendent of
Root of the Fugue object hierarchy.
-[2]: fugue.janet#L15
+[2]: fugue.janet#L40
## Root*?
@@ 137,7 136,7 @@ specific prototype for this key, then `fugue/allocate` will put `value`
at `key` in the appropriate prototype, and it will be inherited by
all descendents of that prototype.
-[5]: fugue.janet#L335
+[5]: fugue.janet#L362
## declare-open-multi
@@ 153,14 152,14 @@ Extending an open multimethod (see `extend-multi`) from any other
environment makes the case extension available wherever the
multimethod has been imported.
-[6]: fugue.janet#L640
+[6]: fugue.janet#L676
## defgeneric
**macro** | [source][7]
-(defgeneric name args &opt body)
+(defgeneric name & rest)
Define a generic function. When this function is called, if the
@@ 168,7 167,7 @@ first argument has a method corresponding to the name of the
function, call that object 's method with the arguments. Otherwise,
evaluate `body`.
-[7]: fugue.janet#L371
+[7]: fugue.janet#L399
## defmethod
@@ 186,7 185,7 @@ Defines a few symbols for reference in the body of the method.
- `__parent` - Bound to the parent of `proto`.
- `__super` - Bound to the method at `name` within `__parent`.
-[8]: fugue.janet#L382
+[8]: fugue.janet#L417
## defmulti
@@ 258,7 257,7 @@ repl:12:> (cat "hello" 100)
"hello #100"
-[9]: fugue.janet#L564
+[9]: fugue.janet#L600
## defproto
@@ 340,7 339,7 @@ repl:47:> (speak (:new Pekingese))
"My name is Fido and I am Extremely Small"
-[10]: fugue.janet#L232
+[10]: fugue.janet#L259
## extend-multi
@@ 358,7 357,7 @@ See that function's documentation for full usage reference.
Whenever a case is added to `multi`, that case is available
wherever the multimethod is imported.
-[11]: fugue.janet#L656
+[11]: fugue.janet#L692
## fields
@@ 371,7 370,7 @@ wherever the multimethod is imported.
Return all the defined fields for `obj` and its prototype
-[12]: fugue.janet#L21
+[12]: fugue.janet#L50
## get-type-or-proto
@@ 384,11 383,28 @@ hierarchy.
Return the prototype of `obj`, if it has one, otherwise the keyword
output of `type`.
-[13]: fugue.janet#L146
+[13]: fugue.janet#L173
+## match
+**macro** | [source][14]
+(match x & cases)
+Prototype-aware version of `match`. Introduces one new case form:
+- `(@ <prototype-name> <dictionary>)`: Will pattern match against an
+ instance of `prototype-name`. Additionally, will validate at
+ compile-time that every key in `dictionary` is a field that's
+ present on the specified prototype.
+[14]: fugue.janet#L831
## multimethod-types-match?
-**function** | [source][14]
+**function** | [source][15]
(multimethod-types-match? args arg-types)
@@ 398,11 414,11 @@ Check to see if the types `args` match the sequence `arg-types`,
according to multimethod rules (ie, following prototype membership
and using `:_` as a fallback)
-[14]: fugue.janet#L489
+[15]: fugue.janet#L525
## new-Root
-**function** | [source][15]
+**function** | [source][16]
(new-Root & rest)
@@ 410,11 426,11 @@ and using `:_` as a fallback)
Constructor for Root. Return a new object with Root as the prototype.
-[15]: eval#L-1
+[16]: eval#L-1
## prototype?
-**function** | [source][16]
+**function** | [source][17]
(prototype? obj)
@@ 422,11 438,11 @@ Constructor for Root. Return a new object with Root as the prototype.
Is `obj` the result of a `defproto ` call?
-[16]: fugue.janet#L327
+[17]: fugue.janet#L354
## with-slots
-**macro** | [source][17]
+**macro** | [source][18]
(with-slots proto obj & body)
@@ 464,11 480,11 @@ true
@Foo{:_meta @{:object-type :instance} :name "Cosmo Kramer"}
-[17]: fugue.janet#L706
+[18]: fugue.janet#L742
## with-slots-as
-**macro** | [source][18]
+**macro** | [source][19]
(with-slots-as proto obj as & body)
@@ 480,5 496,5 @@ Specifies `as` as the reference symbol for `with-slots`.
See `with-slots` documentation for more details.
-[18]: fugue.janet#L743
+[19]: fugue.janet#L779
@@ 1,3 1,12 @@
+(defn- compiler-emit
+ [level msg]
+ (let [source (or (dyn :current-file) "n/a")
+ [l c] (tuple/sourcemap (dyn :macro-form ()))]
+ (eprintf "%s:%i:%i: [%s] %s" source l c level msg)))
+(defn- compiler-warn [msg] (compiler-emit "WARNING" msg))
+(defn- compiler-info [msg] (compiler-emit "INFO" msg))
# Compile-time field access
@@ 56,8 65,10 @@
(not (symbol? obj)) (fields obj)
(dyn obj) (fields (eval obj))
- true (let [reg-key (string (dyn :current-file) "-" obj)]
- (or (registry-fields reg-key) @[]))))
+ true (if-let [reg-key (string (dyn :current-file) "-" obj)
+ listing (registry-fields reg-key)]
+ listing
+ (compiler-warn (string "no prototype definition found for " obj)))))
# defproto Forms
@@ 320,7 331,7 @@
[name parent-name & fields]
- (let [has-proto-attributes (not (zero? (mod (length fields) 2)))
+ (let [has-proto-attributes (odd? (length fields))
fields (partition 2 fields)
defined-fields (map (comp keyword 0) (if has-proto-attributes (array/slice fields 0 -2) fields))
field-definitions (field-definitions name fields defined-fields)
@@ 415,13 426,14 @@
[name proto args & body]
(when (index-of (keyword name) (comp-aware-fields proto))
- (printf "Warning: you are defining a method named %s on the prototype %s; there is a field of the same name on that prototype."
- (string name)
- (string proto)))
+ (compiler-warn
+ (string/format "you are defining a method named %s on the prototype %s; there is a field of the same name on that prototype."
+ (string name)
+ (string proto))))
(let [current-binding (dyn name)]
@[(unless (and current-binding (function? (current-binding :value)))
- (print "Defining generic function for method " name "...")
+ (compiler-info (string "Defining generic function for method " name "..."))
(defgeneric* name nil args raise-sentinel))
(let [method-name (keyword name)
@@ 775,6 787,13 @@
[proto obj as & body]
(do-with-slots-as proto obj as body))
+(defn- validate-field
+ [field fields]
+ (unless fields
+ (errorf "Field validation for `%s` failed; no fields registered" (string field)))
+ (unless (index-of field fields)
+ (errorf "Field `%s` not found; got fields: %q" (string field) fields)))
(defmacro @
Compile-time Prototype field checking.
@@ 787,18 806,52 @@
`(@ SomePrototype some-object :some-field)` - Asserts (as above) at
compile time that `some-field` is defined on `SomePrototype`; at
runtime, checks that `some-object` is a descendent of
- `SomePrototype` and if so, translates to `(some-object
- :some-field)`.
+ `SomePrototype` and if so, translates to `(some-object :some-field)`.
[proto x &opt y]
(let [[obj field] (if y [x y] [nil x])
fields (fields (eval proto))]
- (unless (index-of field fields)
- (errorf "Field `%s` not found; got fields: %q" (string field) fields))
+ (validate-field field fields)
(if-not obj
~(if-not (,recursive-prototype-check ,proto ,obj)
(errorf "Expected a %s, got: %q" ,(string proto) (,get-type-or-proto ,obj))
,(tuple obj field)))))
+(defn- validate-proto-match
+ [name attrs]
+ (let [fields (comp-aware-fields name)]
+ (loop [k :keys attrs]
+ (validate-field k fields))))
+(def- root-match match)
+(defmacro match
+ ```
+ Prototype-aware version of `match`. Introduces one new case form:
+ - `(@ <prototype-name> <dictionary>)`: Will pattern match against an
+ instance of `prototype-name`. Additionally, will validate at
+ compile-time that every key in `dictionary` is a field that's
+ present on the specified prototype.
+ ```
+ [x & cases]
+ (defn transform
+ [[pattern exp]]
+ [(match pattern
+ @[(@ '@) proto-name attrs]
+ (do
+ (validate-proto-match proto-name attrs)
+ (struct ;(kvs attrs) :_name (string proto-name)))
+ pattern)
+ exp])
+ (let [oddlen (odd? (length cases))
+ else (if oddlen (last cases))
+ patterns (partition 2 (if oddlen (slice cases 0 -2) cases))
+ transformed (mapcat transform patterns)
+ cases (if else (array/push transformed else) transformed)]
+ (root-match x ;cases)))