@@ 346,7 346,7 @@
An example usage:
- repl:43:> (fugue/defproto Dog () name {:allocate-value "Fido"})
+ repl:43:> (fugue/defproto Dog nil name {:allocate-value "Fido"})
repl:44:> (fugue/defproto Pekingese Dog size {:default "Extremely Small"})
repl:45:> (fugue/defmethod speak Dog [self] (string "My name is " (self :name)))
repl:46:> (fugue/defmethod speak Pekingese [self] (string (prototype-method self) " and I am " (self :size)))
@@ 431,16 431,24 @@
evaluate `body`.
[name & rest]
- (let [[docstring args body]
- (if (string? (first rest))
- [(rest 0)
- (rest 1)
- (array/slice rest 2)]
- [nil
- (rest 0)
- (array/slice rest 1)])]
+ (let [[docstring args body] (if (string? (first rest))
+ [(rest 0)
+ (rest 1)
+ (array/slice rest 2)]
+ [nil
+ (rest 0)
+ (array/slice rest 1)])]
(defgeneric* name docstring args ;(if (empty? body) [raise-sentinel] body))))
+(defn- generate-method-form
+ [name args proto body]
+ (let [full-method-name (symbol proto "-" name)]
+ ~(fn ,full-method-name
+ ,args
+ (let [__parent (,table/getproto ,proto)
+ __super (__parent ,(keyword name))]
+ ,;body))))
(defmacro defmethod
Simple single-dispatch method definition. Roughly equivalent to
@@ 458,15 466,8 @@
(maclintf :strict "Defining generic function for method %s ..." (string name))
(defgeneric* name nil args raise-sentinel))
- (let [method-name (keyword name)
- full-method-name (symbol proto "-" name)]
- ~(,put ,proto
- ,method-name
- (fn ,full-method-name
- ,args
- (let [__parent (table/getproto ,proto)
- __super (__parent ,method-name)]
- ,;body))))]))
+ (let [method-form (generate-method-form name args proto body)]
+ ~(,put ,proto ,(keyword name) ,method-form))]))
# Multimethod Helpers
@@ 568,6 569,10 @@
+(defn- make-case
+ [args body]
+ (eval ~(fn ,args ,;body)))
(defn- construct-cond
"Build main function logic of multimethod"
[name cases args-symbol]
@@ 599,25 604,6 @@
[& ,args]
-(defn- find-root
- [t]
- (if (table/rawget t :ref)
- t
- (when-let [it (table/getproto t)] it)))
-(defn- emit-varfn
- "Generate varfn form of multimethod"
- [name fn-name docstring args cond-form]
- ~(let [cell (,find-root (dyn ',name))
- f (fn ,fn-name [& ,args] ,cond-form)]
- (,put-in cell [:ref 0] f)
- (,put-in cell [:doc] ,docstring)
- f))
-(defn- make-case
- [args body]
- (eval ~(fn ,args ,;body)))
(defmacro defmulti
Define a multimethod based on all the arguments passed to the
@@ 626,7 612,7 @@
Example usage :
- > (defproto Foo ())
+ > (defproto Foo nil)
> (defmulti add [Foo] [f] (put f :value 1))
> (defmulti add [:number] [x] (+ x 1))
> (defmulti add [:string] [s] (string s "!"))
@@ 704,13 690,28 @@
multimethod has been imported.
- (let [f (eval ~(fn ,name [& _] (error "No cases declared for open multimethod")))
+ (let [f (eval ~(fn ,name [&] (error "No cases declared for open multimethod")))
ref @[f]
cell @{:doc "Open multimethod." :ref ref}]
(put var-cases ref @{})
(setdyn name cell)
+(defn- var-cell
+ [t]
+ (if (table/rawget t :ref)
+ t
+ (when-let [it (table/getproto t)] it)))
+(defn- emit-varfn
+ "Generate varfn form of multimethod"
+ [name fn-name docstring args cond-form]
+ ~(let [cell (,var-cell (dyn ',name))
+ f (fn ,fn-name [& ,args] ,cond-form)]
+ (,put-in cell [:ref 0] f)
+ (,put-in cell [:doc] ,docstring)
+ f))
(defmacro extend-multi
Extend an open multimethod (see `declare-open-multi`) using the same
@@ 732,29 733,29 @@
docstring (make-docstring cases "Open ")]
(emit-varfn multi (symbol fn-name) docstring args cond-form)))))
-(defn- field-transformer
- [fields obj-sym as proto-name]
- (fn [sym]
- (cond
- (and (tuple? sym) (= (length sym) 2) (= (sym 0) as) (symbol? (sym 1)))
- (let [field-name (-> sym (1) (keyword))]
- (unless (index-of field-name fields)
- (errorf `Encountered field reference %q for prototype %q;
+(defn- do-with-slots-as
+ [proto obj as body]
+ (defn field-transformer
+ [fields obj-sym as proto-name]
+ (fn [sym]
+ (cond
+ (and (tuple? sym) (= (length sym) 2) (= (sym 0) as) (symbol? (sym 1)))
+ (let [field-name (-> sym (1) (keyword))]
+ (unless (index-of field-name fields)
+ (errorf `Encountered field reference %q for prototype %q;
Expected one of: %q`
- sym
- proto-name
- fields))
- ~(,obj-sym ,field-name))
+ sym
+ proto-name
+ fields))
+ ~(,obj-sym ,field-name))
- (= sym as)
- obj-sym
+ (= sym as)
+ obj-sym
- true
- sym)))
+ true
+ sym)))
-(defn- do-with-slots-as
- [proto obj as body]
(with-syms [x]
(let [f (-> proto (eval) (fields) (field-transformer x as proto))]
~(let [,x ,obj]