
Statistical Analysis of Cricket
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#Cricket Statistics

A collection of functions for doing some easy statistical analysis on cricket records. Bowling_test.csv is not included; it is a slightly cleaned-up version of the data found at https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/veeralakrishna/icc-test-cricket-bowling-figures/data.

#Players with the best average for a given number of lifetime wickets

See <out/bestAvgPerLifetimeWkts.json> for the full data set.

#Players with the best average within the most "competitive" number of lifetime wickets (n > 15)

(("GF Bissett (SA)"        25  18.76)
 ("J Middleton (SA)"       24  18.41)
 ("JB Iverson (AUS)"       21  15.23)
 ("Zulfiqar Ahmed (PAK)"   20  18.3)
 ("J Trim (WI)"            18  16.16)
 ("TS Roland-Jones (ENG)"  17  19.64)
 ("RL Johnson (ENG)"       16  17.18)
 ("DEJ Ironside (SA)"      15  18.33)
 ("F Martin (ENG)"         14  10.07)
 ("TJ Murtagh (IRE)"       13  16.38)
 ("HJ Butler (ENG)"        12  17.91)
 ("CS Marriott (ENG)"      11  8.72)
 ("LJ Nash (AUS)"          10  12.6)
 ("LA King (WI)"           9   17.11)
 ("AJ Fothergill (ENG)"    8   11.25)
 ("CA Smith (ENG)"         7   8.71)
 ("WR Cuttell (ENG)"       6   12.16)
 ("C Heseltine (ENG)"      5   16.8)
 ("AJL Hill (ENG)"         4   2.0)
 ("WH Moule (AUS)"         3   7.66)
 ("J Benaud (AUS)"         2   6.0)
 ("W Barber (ENG)"         1   0.0))

#Players with a better average than any other bowler with more lifetime wickets

(("M Muralitharan (ICC/SL)"  800  22.72)
 ("GD McGrath (AUS)"         563  21.64)
 ("CEL Ambrose (WI)"         405  20.99)
 ("MD Marshall (WI)"         376  20.94)
 ("SF Barnes (ENG)"          189  16.43)
 ("GA Lohmann (ENG)"         112  10.75)
 ("F Martin (ENG)"           14   10.07)
 ("CS Marriott (ENG)"        11   8.72)
 ("CA Smith (ENG)"           7    8.71)
 ("AJL Hill (ENG)"           4    2.0)
 ("W Barber (ENG)"           1    0.0))
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