
411068c0c9fdc2ad5abb13efc04a52a6142bb23d — Страхиња Радић 1 year, 7 months ago 56f6699
galeb/faq.slw: Move question about wireless up

Signed-off-by: Страхиња Радић <contact@strahinja.org>
1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

M galeb/faq.slw
M galeb/faq.slw => galeb/faq.slw +4 -4
@@ 52,6 52,10 @@ you.{/dd}{/dl}
{dd}**A:** See [BOOTING][booting].{/dd}{/dl}

{dt}**Q: How do I activate wireless?**{/dt}
{dd}**A:** Read the file [WIRELESS][wireless].{/dd}{/dl}

{dt}**Q: How do I install a package?**{/dt}
{dd}**A:** `cd / && xz -dc /pkg/some_pkg.tar.xz | tar -xf -`  
or use [**mkpk**(8)][mkpk]:  

@@ 214,10 218,6 @@ are free to add whatever you like. Some of my choices regarding packages not
being included are deliberate.{/dd}{/dl}

{dt}**Q: How do I activate wireless?**{/dt}
{dd}**A:** Read the file [WIRELESS][wireless].{/dd}{/dl}

{dt}**Q: Why is the startup so slow?**{/dt}
{dd}**A:** When booting from USB flash, this is a known consequence of a slow
medium, and not specific to Galeb. What is also slowing up boot is customized