M TODO => TODO +0 -2
@@ 1,8 1,6 @@
-[ ] Bugfix: C-W offscreen (check if there is an equivalent of position_to)
[ ] Replace strn* -> strc*: like str[^n]*, but with configurable string
ending character (for msgstr, which has multiple lines delimited
with '\n')
M TODO.done => TODO.done +3 -0
@@ 1,6 1,9 @@
Done todos
+[x] Bugfix: C-W when there was text offscreen would move pointer outside of the
+ input dialog
[x] Bugfix: obsolete msgstrs followed by non-obsolete ones
- msgid list handling was built entirely around the idea of obsolete
entries being at the end of .po file. Since I came across .po files
M poe.c => poe.c +3 -1
@@ 926,7 926,9 @@ erase_prev_word(struct DrawState* state)
state->input_display_column = display_length(state,
- state->dirty = 1;
+ if (state->input_display_column < state->input_first_shown_column)
+ state->input_first_shown_column = state->input_display_column;
+ state->dirty = 1;
return 0;