
1dca406896bf72ce1be5e08ade002d3db939112d — Stick 5 years ago 594d83f
add brackets, braces, and gif
1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M content/_index.html
M content/_index.html => content/_index.html +11 -2
@@ 120,6 120,15 @@ plain=true
<h2 class="tooltip v-item">
  There is no such thing as forward slash.
  <aside>Thank you for coming to my TED talk.</aside>
    There is no such thing as forward slash.
      Brackets are <strong>[</strong>square<strong>]</strong>.
      Braces are <strong>{</strong>curly<strong>}</strong>.
      Pronounce "gif" with <a link="http://howtoreallypronouncegif.com/">a hard G</a>.
      Thank you for coming to my TED talk.