Working with teams, changing things and the way we work. Any personal contribution of this user is MIT licensed. Opinions expressed on behalf of himself only.
Balanced diversity solver xoxo to the square.
Showcase (Finnish: vitriini) some packaged content - guided by conventions.
Quiz (Finnish: visailu) data operations.
Version Ranges (Finnnish: versioalueet).
Receive (Finnish: vastaanottaa) text traversing unknown territories.
Extraction (Finnish: uuttaminen) of source code for embedding into markdown documents as fenced blocks.
Threat model (Finnish: uhkamalli) your application.
Explore (Finnish: tutkia) ticket system trees.
Security advisory (Finnish: turvallisuusneuvonta) audit tool.
Text area (Finnish: tekstialue) - tune planar arrangements of text (tables) to preserve styles across transforms.
Table (Finnish Taulukko) glued together to transform into hands-free living.
Stableson (Finnish: tallipoika) - a JSON Canonicalization Scheme (JCS) implementation.
Taxonomy (Finnish: taksonomia) of a folder tree, guided by conventions.
Synchronize (Finnish: synkronoida) state across a local cluster of machines hosting multiple linked processes.
Experimental SWID baseline validator.