
b56e1827f49ad6620b43684e67a5ffad7a9fe510 — Martin Weinelt a month ago 5d608d2 + 0924dfa
nixos/home-assistant: escape yaml functions in lovelace config (#352746)

1 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

M nixos/modules/services/home-automation/home-assistant.nix
M nixos/modules/services/home-automation/home-assistant.nix => nixos/modules/services/home-automation/home-assistant.nix +12 -8
@@ 6,17 6,21 @@ let
  cfg = config.services.home-assistant;
  format = pkgs.formats.yaml {};

  # Render config attribute sets to YAML
  # Values that are null will be filtered from the output, so this is one way to have optional
  # options shown in settings.
  # We post-process the result to add support for YAML functions, like secrets or includes, see e.g.
  # Post-process YAML output to add support for YAML functions, like
  # secrets or includes, by naively unquoting strings with leading bangs
  # and at least one space-separated parameter.
  # https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/configuration/secrets/
  filteredConfig = lib.converge (lib.filterAttrsRecursive (_: v: ! elem v [ null ])) (lib.recursiveUpdate customLovelaceModulesResources (cfg.config or {}));
  configFile = pkgs.runCommandLocal "configuration.yaml" { } ''
    cp ${format.generate "configuration.yaml" filteredConfig} $out
  renderYAMLFile = fn: yaml: pkgs.runCommandLocal fn { } ''
    cp ${format.generate fn yaml} $out
    sed -i -e "s/'\!\([a-z_]\+\) \(.*\)'/\!\1 \2/;s/^\!\!/\!/;" $out
  lovelaceConfigFile = format.generate "ui-lovelace.yaml" cfg.lovelaceConfig;

  # Filter null values from the configuration, so that we can still advertise
  # optional options in the config attribute.
  filteredConfig = lib.converge (lib.filterAttrsRecursive (_: v: ! elem v [ null ])) (lib.recursiveUpdate customLovelaceModulesResources (cfg.config or {}));
  configFile = renderYAMLFile "configuration.yaml" filteredConfig;

  lovelaceConfigFile = renderYAMLFile "ui-lovelace.yaml" cfg.lovelaceConfig;

  # Components advertised by the home-assistant package
  availableComponents = cfg.package.availableComponents;