
66c6d2bebd24d1236918c0a1d6c57b83fd372904 — Jason Staten 4 years ago af93cca
setup work
3 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

M hashids.janet
M test/encode.janet
A test/setup.janet
M hashids.janet => hashids.janet +47 -2
@@ 12,6 12,20 @@

(def GUARD_DIV 12)

               :min-length DEFAULT_MIN_LENGTH
               :alphabet DEFAULT_ALPHABET
               :seps DEFAULT_SEPS})

(defn- map-indexed [f xs]
  (map f xs (range 0 (length xs))))

(defn- int-hash [num i]
  (mod num (+ 100 i)))

(defn- as-indexed [x]
  (if (indexed? x) x [x]))

(defn- swap [arr i j]
  (def a (in arr j))
  (def b (in arr i))

@@ 19,6 33,12 @@
  (put arr j b)

(defn- difference [s1 s2]
    (seq [x :in s1 :when (not (find |(= x $) s2))] x))

(defn- intersection [s1 s2]
  (seq [x :in s1 y :in s2 :when (= x y)] x))

(defn consistent-shuffle [alphabet salt]
  (if (= "" salt) alphabet
      (let [alph-bytes (apply array (string/bytes alphabet))

@@ 34,6 54,31 @@

        (apply string/from-bytes alph-bytes))))

(defn setup [opts]
(let [{:salt salt
       :alphabet alphabet
       :seps seps
       :min-length min-length} (merge DEFAULTS opts)
      alph-bytes (string/bytes alphabet)
      salt-bytes (string/bytes salt)
      seps-bytes (string/bytes seps)
      unbalanced-alph (difference alph-bytes seps-bytes)
      unbalanced-seps (intersection alph-bytes seps-bytes)
(pp unbalanced-seps)
:seps (apply string/from-bytes unbalanced-seps)
:alph (apply string/from-bytes unbalanced-alph)
  :salt salt
  :min-length min-length

(defn encode 
  "Convert nums to hashids encoded form"
  [source & opts]
  (let [config (setup (table ;opts))
        nums (as-indexed source)
        hash-int (reduce + 0 (map-indexed int-hash nums))]
    (pp config)

(defn encode [opts num]

M test/encode.janet => test/encode.janet +1 -1
@@ 1,7 1,7 @@
(import ../hashids :as h)

  (= "j0gW" (h/encode {} 12345)))
  (= "j0gW" (h/encode 12345 :salt "nobody")))

  #(= "jR" (h/encode {} 1)))

A test/setup.janet => test/setup.janet +13 -0
@@ 0,0 1,13 @@
(import ../hashids :as h)

  [{:salt salt
    :alphabet alphabet
    :seps seps
    :min-length min-length} (h/setup {})]
  (assert (= h/DEFAULT_SALT salt))
  (assert (= h/DEFAULT_ALPHABET alphabet))

  (assert (= h/DEFAULT_SEPS seps))
  (assert (= h/DEFAULT_MIN_LENGTH min-length))
\ No newline at end of file