
9ab3115cfb1954fdc45fbfb012d06ca4a2e75528 — Willow Barraco 4 months ago 5474a68 master
Revert "editorconfig: allow to disable automatic edition"

This reverts commit 0cc1c791d02de8c227589d53a1f8dc01597aa3c9.
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

M rc/detection/editorconfig.kak
M rc/detection/editorconfig.kak => rc/detection/editorconfig.kak +3 -8
@@ 4,9 4,6 @@
# Detection
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾

declare-option -docstring "disable automatic edition of the buffer (wrap, trailing whitespaces)" \
    bool editorconfig_noedit false

hook global BufCreate .*[.](editorconfig) %{
    set-option buffer filetype ini
    set-option buffer static_words indent_style indent_size tab_width \

@@ 22,7 19,7 @@ define-command editorconfig-load -params ..1 -docstring "editorconfig-load [file
        case $file in
            /*) # $kak_buffile is a full path that starts with a '/'
                printf %s\\n "remove-hooks buffer editorconfig-hooks"
                editorconfig "$file" | awk -v file="$file" -v noedit="$kak_opt_editorconfig_noedit" -F= -- '
                editorconfig "$file" | awk -v file="$file" -F= -- '
                    $1 == "indent_style"             { indent_style = $2 }
                    $1 == "indent_size"              { indent_size = $2 == "tab" ? 4 : $2 }
                    $1 == "tab_width"                { tab_width = $2 }

@@ 47,14 44,12 @@ define-command editorconfig-load -params ..1 -docstring "editorconfig-load [file
                        if (charset == "utf-8-bom") {
                            print "set-option buffer BOM utf8"
                        if (trim_trailing_whitespace == "true" && noedit == "false") {
                        if (trim_trailing_whitespace == "true") {
                            print "hook buffer BufWritePre \"" file "\" -group editorconfig-hooks %{ try %{ execute-keys -draft %{%s\\h+$|\\n+\\z<ret>d} } }"
                        if (max_line_length && max_line_length != "off") {
                            print "set window autowrap_column " max_line_length
                            if (noedit == "false") {
                                print "autowrap-enable"
                            print "autowrap-enable"
                ' ;;