M rc/windowing/connect.kak => rc/windowing/connect.kak +4 -0
@@ 1,3 1,5 @@
+provide-module connect %{
define-command -override connect -params 1.. -command-completion -docstring 'Run a command as <command> sh -c {connect} -- [arguments]. Example: connect terminal sh' %{
%arg{1} sh -c %{
@@ 17,3 19,5 @@ define-command -override run -params 1.. -shell-completion -docstring 'Run a pro
nohup "$@" < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 &
A rc/windowing/explore-files.kak => rc/windowing/explore-files.kak +67 -0
@@ 0,0 1,67 @@
+provide-module explore-files %{
+require-module connect
+# explorefilescmd should be set such as the next argument is file or
+# directory to open
+declare-option -docstring %{command run to spawn a file browser} \
+ str explorefilescmd %sh{
+ for explorefilescmd in 'terminal nnn' \
+ 'terminal ranger'; do
+ cmd=${explorefilescmd##* }
+ if command -v $cmd >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ printf %s\\n "$explorefilescmd"
+ exit
+ fi
+ done
+define-command -override -params ..1 explore-files %{
+ evaluate-commands %sh{
+ if [ -z "$kak_opt_explorefilescmd" ]; then
+ echo "fail 'explorefilescmd option is not set'"
+ exit
+ fi
+ printf 'connect %s "%s"\n' "$kak_opt_explorefilescmd" "$1"
+ }
+complete-command explore-files file
+hook global RuntimeError "\d+:\d+: '(edit|e)':? wrong argument count" %{
+ evaluate-commands -save-regs 'd' %{
+ set-register d %sh(dirname "$kak_buffile")
+ explore-files %reg{d}
+ echo "Openned file browser !"
+ }
+hook global RuntimeError "\d+:\d+: '(?:edit|e)':? (.+): is a directory" %{
+ explore-files %val{hook_param_capture_1}
+ echo "Openned file browser !"
+hook global RuntimeError "unable to find file '(.+)'" %{
+ explore-files %val{hook_param_capture_1}
+ echo "Openned file browser !"
+hook global KakBegin .* %{
+ hook -once global ClientCreate .* %{
+ try %{
+ evaluate-commands -buffer '*debug*' -save-regs '/' %{
+ set-register / "^error while opening file '(.+?)':?\n[^\n]+: is a directory$"
+ execute-keys '%1s<ret>'
+ evaluate-commands -draft -itersel -save-regs 'd' %{
+ set-register d %reg{.}
+ evaluate-commands -client %val{hook_param} %{
+ explore-files %reg{d}
+ echo "Openned file browser !"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }