
[ARCHIVED] Update an ExpressionEngine MySQL dump for a new server - I am no longer maintaining this project as I no longer use ExpressionEngine. A number of people have forked this so you might want to check one of those out.
e6b3c44e — Stephen Rushe 15 years ago
Remove some debugging output
75f9c20e — Stephen Rushe 15 years ago
Remove unneeded check if paths aren't provided. Allow http:// in the domain parameters. Don't skip the exp_mailing_lists table when skipping exp_mailing_list.
51b340b2 — Stephen Rushe 15 years ago
Deal with lowercase insert statements.


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


Moving an ExpressionEngine site from one server to another, or even one
domain to another domain, is a complicated process. Whenever I've
attempted to do this I've found that the hardest part is making sure
that the database is correct for the new location. This involves
copying the database across and then making sure I change every path
and domain through the control panel to the new values.

I've never succeeded in migrating successfully using the manual method.
I always miss something and have to deal with some small problem that
inevitably crops up. Finally, I decided to make it easier on myself, so
I wrote a script to perform the update for me. This will not be for
everyone, however if you're comfortable with command line scripts and
ruby this may do the job for you.

The script does one job and one job only. It takes a MySQL dump from an
EE database and makes the updates required for any domain name and path
changes, writing these out again in the format of another MySQL dump.
For example, if I tell it that my development site lives at
/www/deeden.tld and my production site at /www/deeden.co.uk it updates
the database to reflect this, dealing with all of the complications
that arise, such as correctly dealing with the serialisation which some
of the tables use.


An example of performing the above update would be…

  ee_migrator.rb --current_domain=deeden.tld \
              --new_domain=deeden.co.uk \
              --current_path=/Users/steve/Sites/deeden.tld \
              --new_path=/www/deeden.co.uk \
              development_sql.txt > live_sql.txt

This runs the script (assuming it is named ee_migrator.rb) and changes
all occurrences of the domain deeden.tld to deeden.co.uk as well as
changing the path to the web site from /Users/steve/Sites/deeden.tld
to /www/deeden.co.uk. Rather useful when I've been developing a site
on my MacBook and want to move it to the live server.

The parameters the scripts takes are...

  -h, --help
      Display usage instructions.

  -t, --table_prefix
      Specify a different table prefix from the default, which is exp.

  -a, --all_data
      Keep all data from the initial dump. By default the script ignores
      a number of tables which should not be copied from a development
      setup, such as control panel logs and email caches. The --all_data
      allows all data to be copied, unsurprisingly.

  -c, --current_domain <OLD DOMAIN>
      The domain being moved from. In the example above it would be
      deeden.tld. In the case where the domain isn't changing simply
      leave this option out.

  -n, --new_domain <NEW DOMAIN>
      The domain being moved to. In the example above it would be
      deeden.co.uk. In the case where the domain isn't changing simply
      leave this option out as well.

  -s, --current_path <CURRENT SITE PATH>
      The path to where the old domain lives. If the path isn't being
      changed then leave the option out.

  -p, --new_path <NEW SITE PATH>
      Specify the new path to the web directory. Again, if this isn't
      being changed simply leave it out.

The input file is a mysqldump file, and the output is the same file
with the appropriate changes made. Generally I do a dump of my
development database, do a quick scan of the output to see that
everything looks alright and them import the new database file into my
a fresh database for the live site. Your mileage might vary.

There are a few things to bear in mind if you do plan to use this
script, such as...

  * Backup your database.
  * I accept no responsibility for any damage this script may do. Use
      it at your own risk.
  * If you find a bug please do report it.
  * If you make an enhancement please send it to me, it may be useful
      to other people.
  * Seriously, backup your database.


My name is Stephen Rushe and you can find me at http://deeden.co.uk/

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