
Generate XML from Cricsheet YAML data
30fba543 — Stephen Rushe 3 years ago
Support uncontested tosses, and forfeited innings
e4e4be26 — Stephen Rushe 3 years ago
Add balls_per_over, lineups, and registry to the schema
318b7fe3 — Stephen Rushe 4 years ago
Update convert.rb to correctly sort XML


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A collection of small ruby scripts to convert version 0.9 Cricsheet YAML data files into XML, and to allow validation of the XML against the schema file (schema.xsd).

These scripts are used to generate the XML data available in the Cricsheet XML project.


You can manage the dependencies using Bundler. Once you have it installed you can install the dependencies using:

$ bundle install


convert.rb is a ruby script, which can be configured using command-line arguments. See ./convert.rb --help for all available options.

validate.rb is also a ruby script, which cannot be configured. It simply takes a list of XML files to be validated against the schema, and outputs any errors it finds for each file.


#Converting YAML to XML

In all of the examples that follow the resulting XML will be saved with with a .xml extension. For example, foobar.yaml will be converted to foobar.xml.

Convert a single YAML file, and save the resulting XML into the default output folder (./tmp).

$ ./convert.rb data.yaml

Convert the provided YAML files, and save the resulting XML into the default output folder (./tmp).

$ ./convert.rb *yaml

Convert the provided YAML files, and save the resulting XML into a specified folder.

$ ./convert.rb -f some/other/folder 1.yaml 2.yaml

#Validating XML

Validate a single XML file against the schema.

$ ./validate.rb data.xml

Validate multiple XML files against the schema.

$ ./validate.rb data.xml other_data.xml


Thanks to Rob Mohseni for the initial version of the schema file, which I then extended. Without his efforts the XML version would never have happened.

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