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Belfast, Northern Ireland

Sarcastic engineer. Indieweb enthusiast. Responsible for Cricsheet ( Drinker of tea. Stalker of cats. he/him


XML versions of the version 0.9 YAML data from Cricsheet


A Ruby IndieWeb Media Endpoint, for Micropub


A Micropub Endpoint


Generate XML from Cricsheet YAML data


Identify the author of an IndieWeb post using the Authorship algorithm


Generate CSV from Cricsheet YAML data


A Ruby Gem to provide functionality to verify IndieAuth access tokens


[ARCHIVED] A quickly written simple bookmarking site


[ARCHIVED] An out-of-date rails plugin to validate ISSNs


[ARCHIVED] An out-of-date rails plugin to validate isbns


[ARCHIVED] Update an ExpressionEngine MySQL dump for a new server - I am no longer maintaining this project as I no longer use ExpressionEngine. A number of people have forked this so you might want to check one of those out.


[ARCHIVED] A Rails plugin which validates whether a value is a valid UK postcode


IndieWeb Scrobble Post Type Discovery for Microformats 2 JSON


IndieWeb Read Post Type Discovery for Microformats 2 JSON


IndieWeb Bookmark Post Type Discovery for Microformats 2 JSON

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