@@ 271,14 271,136 @@ and remove what should not be there, you will run \textdollar git update-index
and then commit your changes.
\section{Creating your own local branch}
-\section{Creating your own remote branch}
+If you are planning on doing an update which might take a while (e.g.
+openoffice) you will want to work in your own branch, so you only have to
+resolve conflicts once when you merge back to the master branch.
+ \item First, make sure we're up-to-date, no point in missing any
+commits ;)
+ $ git checkout master
+ $ git pull
+ \item Now we'll create our own local branch and check it out in one
+ $ git checkout -b devel-openoffice
+ Switched to a new branch "devel-openoffice
+We may now proceed the long process of getting openoffice to compile. Commit
+as often as you want to this branch, it won't hurt anyone. When you want to
+work on the rest of the grimoire again, make sure everything is commited and
+then checkout ``master'' (or whichever branch you want to work on) and proceed
+as normal, devel-openoffice will always be waiting for you. :)
\section{Checking out other branches}
-\section{Integrating between branches}
-\section{Updated a stable-rc or stable grimoire}
+Checking out another branch will allow you to work on it. Let's say we have
+the following remote branches:
+ $ git branch -r
+ origin/HEAD
+ origin/devel
+ origin/devel-iceweasel
+ origin/devel-java
+ origin/devel-oo
+ origin/devel-shadow
+ origin/master
+ origin/origin
+Now, we'd like to try out some of the shadow work that's going on, so let's
+check it out.
+ $ git checkout -b shadow origin/devel-shadow
+ Switched to a new branch "shadow"
+ $ git branch
+ master
+* shadow
+We now have our own local ``shadow'' branch to play with, which is linked to
+the upstream origin/devel-shadow.
+\section{Deleting a local branch}
+Sometimes a branch is a lost cause, or already merged and no longer needed.
+You will need to not have the soon to be deleted branch checked out
+(``master'' is always a good branch to hang out in) and then you may delete it:
+ $ git checkout master
+ $ git branch -d devel-openoffice
+This will only delete the branch if it has been fully merged. If this is a
+lost cause branch, feel free to be more forceful:
+ $ git branch -D devel-openoffice
+This will remove ``devel-openoffice'' no matter its status.
+\section{Renaming a local branch}
+If you no longer like the name you've given to a remote branch, fear not!
+Renaming is as simple as ``branch -m <old branch> <new branch>'':
+ $ git branch -m devel-openoffice openoffice
-These grimoires are special, in that you never modify them directly
-(similar to how you treat the origin branch). To update one of these (say
-stable-rc-0.8), you will use the following steps:
+\section{Creating your own remote branch}
+We have our devel-openoffice branch on our machine, but others are wanting to
+help with it, so we'll push it to the upstream grimoire.git on sourcemage.org.
+ \item Check out the branch we wish to push
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ $ git checkout devel-openoffice
+ \end{verbatim}
+ \item Now we push our currently checked out branch onto the remote
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ $ git push origin devel-openoffice
+updating 'refs/heads/devel-openoffice'
+ from 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+ to fa9869a20bbfb479fafd63ef41e890919df3b6d9
+Generating pack...
+Done counting 0 objects.
+Writing 0 objects.
+Unpacking 0 objects
+refs/heads/foo: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ->
+Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
+ \end{verbatim}
+ \item We'll need to go back to master for some updates
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ $ git checkout master
+ $ git pull
+* refs/remotes/origin/devel-openoffice: storing branch 'devel-openoffice' of
+ commit: fa9869a
+Already up-to-date.
+ \end{verbatim}
+devel-openoffice should now be a remote branch
+ \item Check that devel-openoffice is remote
+ \begin{verbatim}
+$ git branch -r
+ origin/HEAD
+ origin/devel-openoffice
+ origin/master
+ \end{verbatim}
+ \item Remove your local devel-openoffice (since it is not linked with
+the remote, it will be difficult to keep them in sync)
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ $ git branch -D devel-openoffice
+ \end{verbatim}
+ \item Check out the remote devel-openoffice to your local branch
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ $ git checkout -b devel-openoffice origin/devel-openoffice
+ \end{verbatim}
+You are now set to collaborate on the devel-openoffice branch with other
+developers. :)
+\section{Integrating between branches}
+Let's say we want to merge some fixes from our test (``master'') grimoire into
+stable-rc and stable. To update one of these (say stable-rc-0.8), you will use
+the following steps:
\item Checkout the the origin/stable-rc-0.8 branch and call it stable-rc-0.6