@@ 546,6 546,7 @@
(format t "~a~%" line)))
(defun display-with-pager()
+ "display the buffer using $PAGER"
(let* ((uri (location-uri (car *history*)))
(filename (subseq uri (1+ (position #\/ uri :from-end t))))
(path (concatenate 'string "/tmp/" (or filename "index"))))
@@ 566,6 567,7 @@
;; display a text file using the pager by piping
;; the data to out, no temp file
(defun display-with-pager-kiosk()
+ "display the buffer to stdout, we don't use system() in kiosk mode"
(loop for line across *buffer*
(format t "~a~%" line)))
@@ 613,11 615,13 @@
(format t "~%")))))))
(defun pipe-text(host port uri)
+ "pipe text to stdout, with stdout not a TTY output"
(getpage host port uri)
(format t "~a~%" line)))
(defun pipe-binary(host port uri)
+ "pipe data to stdout, with stdout not a TTY output"
(format stream "~a~a~a" uri #\Return #\Newline)
(force-output stream)
@@ 715,6 719,7 @@
(defun display-prompt()
+ "show the prompt and helper"
(let ((last-page (car *history*)))
(format t "~agopher://~a:~a/~a~a (~as, ~aKb) / (p)rev (r)edisplay (h)istory : "
(if *kiosk-mode* "KIOSK " "")