
5a43753f349cbbc42557ef65234da612245eeb01 — Solene Rapenne 6 years ago 207b9df
Fix a typo in the README (from anonymous Raph)
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M README.md => README.md +1 -1
@@ 37,7 37,7 @@ How to use clic

By default *clic* will load the page **gopherproject/1/** with a
number on the left of each link. Pleas type the number of a link to
number on the left of each link. Please type the number of a link to
follow it. If it's a text, the $PAGER program will be called to show
it, if it's a binary file (types g,I and 9) it will be downloaded into
`/tmp/` and then `xdg-open` will be called on the filename.