
eeb8131035ae98f04288c319848f23acb16c35cd — Solene Rapenne 6 years ago e9fb727
Add articles metadata as header in gopher articles
2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

M generator.lisp
M templates/gopher_head.tpl
M generator.lisp => generator.lisp +14 -8
@@ 24,7 24,6 @@
   (declare (ignore second minute hour date month year dst-p tz))

;; parse the date to
(defun date-parse(date)
  (if (= 8 (length date))

@@ 41,7 40,7 @@
         :year year))

(defun post(&optional &key title tag date id (tiny nil) (author nil) (converter nil))
(defun post(&optional &key title tag date id (tiny nil) (author (getf *config* :webmaster)) (converter nil))
  (push (make-article :title title
                      :tag tag
                      :date (date-parse date)

@@ 394,13 393,20 @@
         (ensure-directories-exist directory-path)
         (save-file index-path (generate-gopher-index articles-with-tag))))

  ;; produce each article file (only a copy/paste in fact)
  ;; produce each article file (adding some headers)
  (loop for article in *articles*
	 (let ((id (article-id article)))
	   (save-file (format nil "output/gopher/article-~d.txt" id)
		      (load-file (format nil "data/~d~d" id (converter-extension converter-object))))))))
	   (let ((id (article-id article)))
	     (save-file (format nil "output/gopher/article-~d.txt" id)
                        (format nil "~{~a~}"
                                 "Title: " (article-title article) "~%"
                                 "Author: " (article-author article) "~%"
                                 "Date: " (date-format (getf *config* :date-format) (article-date article)) "~%"
                                 "Tags: " (article-tag article) "~%"
		                 (load-file (format nil "data/~d~d" id (converter-extension converter-object))))))))))

;; This is function called when running the tool

M templates/gopher_head.tpl => templates/gopher_head.tpl +1 -0
@@ 2,6 2,7 @@ Hello, this is the head of your gophermap page, you can
customize it how you want !

[0|RSS Feed|/~me/rss.xml|server|port]
[1|Phlog index|/~me/|server|port]
[1|Browse by tag|/~me/_tags_/|server|port]
