
a9cc963e39455b4f75af129ca00d635a02fc1702 — Solene Rapenne 4 years ago 929692a
Add gemini export
M Makefile => Makefile +1 -0
@@ 8,6 8,7 @@ html: $(HTML) css
	mkdir -p "output/html/static"
	mkdir -p "output/gopher"
	mkdir -p "output/gemini/articles/"


M data/README.md => data/README.md +15 -7
@@ 51,13 51,15 @@ least the following files and folders:
	|   `-- articles.lisp
	|-- generator.lisp
	|-- output/
	|   |-- gopher/
	|   |-- gemini/
   	|   |-- gopher/
	|   `-- html/
	|-- static/
	|   |-- css/style.css
	|   `-- img/
	`-- templates/
		|-- article.tpl
		|-- gemini_head.tpl
		|-- gopher_head.tpl
		|-- layout.tpl
		|-- one-tag.tpl

@@ 129,6 131,12 @@ The *config* variable is used to assign the following values:
    - ``t`` to export html website. Set ``nil`` to disable.
- **gopher**
    - ``t`` to export gopher website. Set ``nil`` to disable.
- **gemini**
    - ``t`` to export gemini capsule. Set ``nil`` to disable.
- **gemini-path**
    - This is the absolute public gemini url.
- **gemini-index**
    - This is the name of the index file. Default is ``index.md``
- **gopher-path**
    - This is the full path of the directory to access your gopher hole.
- **gopher-server**

@@ 187,9 195,9 @@ publishing your static sites.
All you need to do in order to publish is to go into your cl-yag
directory and type ``make``.

The make command creates html and gopher files in the defined location.
The default is the **output/** directory, but you can use a symbolic link
pointing to some other directory as well.
The make command creates html, gemini and gopher files in the defined
location.  The default is the **output/** directory, but you can use a
symbolic link pointing to some other directory as well.

## Howto Add A New Page

@@ 261,8 269,8 @@ displays: "Tags: ".
### A Note On Themes

Although cl-yag may ship with a minimalistic template, cl-yag focuses
on generating html- and gopher-compliant structural markup - not
themed layouts.
on generating html-, gemini and gopher-compliant structural markup -
not themed layouts.

If you want some deeply refined, cross-browser compatible, responsive,
webscale style sheets, you need to create them yourself.  However,

@@ 272,7 280,7 @@ style sheets a part of cl-yag you're very welcome to contact me.

# Hacking cl-yag

I tried to make cl-yag easy to extend.  
I tried to make cl-yag easy to extend.
If you want to contribute, feel free to contact me and/or to send in a patch.

- If you are looking for a way to contribute:

M data/articles.lisp => data/articles.lisp +3 -0
@@ 14,6 14,9 @@
   :default-converter :markdown2
   :html   t                                            ;; 't' to enable export to a html website / 'nil' to disable
   :gopher t                                            ;; 't' to enable export to a gopher website / 'nil' to disable
   :gemini t                                            ;; 't' to enable export to a gemini capsule / 'nil' to disable
   :gemini-path      "gemini://perso.pw/blog/"          ;; absolute path of your gemini capsule
   :gemini-index     "index.md"                         ;; filename of index file
   :gopher-path      "/user"                            ;; absolute path of your gopher directory
   :gopher-server    "my.website"                       ;; hostname of the gopher server
   :gopher-port      "70"                               ;; tcp port of the gopher server, 70 usually

M generator.lisp => generator.lisp +68 -0
@@ 173,6 173,19 @@
     (save-file ,name (generate-layout ,@data))))

;; generate a gemini index file
(defun generate-gemini-index(articles)
  (let ((output (load-file "templates/gemini_head.tpl")))
    (dolist (article articles)
      (setf output
	     (concatenate 'string output
                          (format nil "=> ~a/articles/~a.txt ~a~%"
                                  (getf *config* :gemini-path)
                                  (article-id article)
                                  (article-title article))))))

;; generate a gopher index file
(defun generate-gopher-index(articles)
  (let ((output (load-file "templates/gopher_head.tpl")))

@@ 339,6 352,59 @@
  (save-file "output/html/rss.xml" (generate-rss)))

;; we do all the gemini capsule
(defun create-gemini-capsule()

  ;; produce the index.md file
  (save-file (concatenate 'string "output/gemini/" (getf *config* :gemini-index))
             (generate-gemini-index *articles*))

  ;; produce a tag list menu
  (let* ((directory-path "output/gemini/_tags_/")
         (index-path (concatenate 'string directory-path (getf *config* :gemini-index))))
    (ensure-directories-exist directory-path)
    (save-file index-path
               (let ((output (load-file "templates/gemini_head.tpl")))
                 (loop for tag in
                      ;; sort tags per articles in it
                      (sort (articles-by-tag) #'>
                            :key #'(lambda (x) (length (getf x :value))))
                      (setf output
                              'string output
                              (format nil "=> ~a/~a/index.md ~a ~d~%"
                                      (getf *config* :gemini-path)
                                      (getf tag :name)
                                      (getf tag :name)
                                      (length (getf tag :value)))))))

  ;; produce each tag gemini index
  (loop for tag in (articles-by-tag) do
       (let* ((directory-path (concatenate 'string "output/gemini/" (getf tag :NAME) "/"))
              (index-path (concatenate 'string directory-path (getf *config* :gemini-index)))
              (articles-with-tag (loop for article in *articles*
                                    when (member (article-id article) (getf tag :VALUE) :test #'equal)
                                    collect article)))
         (ensure-directories-exist directory-path)
         (save-file index-path (generate-gemini-index articles-with-tag))))

  ;; produce each article file (adding some headers)
  (loop for article in *articles*
	   (let ((id (article-id article)))
	     (save-file (format nil "output/gemini/articles/~a.txt" id)
                        (format nil "~{~a~}"
                                 "Title : " (article-title article) #\Newline
                                 "Author: " (article-author article) #\Newline
                                 "Date  : " (date-format (getf *config* :date-format) (article-date article)) #\Newline
                                 "Tags  : " (article-tag article) #\Newline #\Newline
		                 (load-file (format nil "data/~d~d" id (converter-extension converter-object))))))))))

;; we do all the gopher hole
(defun create-gopher-hole()

@@ 410,6 476,8 @@
(defun generate-site()
  (if (getf *config* :html)
  (if (getf *config* :gemini)
  (if (getf *config* :gopher)

A templates/gemini_head.tpl => templates/gemini_head.tpl +6 -0
@@ 0,0 1,6 @@
Hello, this is the head of your gophermap page, you can
customize it how you want !

=> /index.md Home


M templates/gopher_head.tpl => templates/gopher_head.tpl +1 -1
@@ 2,7 2,7 @@ Hello, this is the head of your gophermap page, you can
customize it how you want !

[0|RSS Feed|/~me/rss.xml|server|port]
[1|Phlog index|/~me/|server|port]
[1|Phlog index|/~me/|server|port]i
[1|Browse by tag|/~me/_tags_/|server|port]
