
a8dfa314e9911295a3c52318d4702e4761093e2f — Solene Rapenne 5 years ago 5e3abb6
Add support for differents converters
1 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

M generator.lisp
M generator.lisp => generator.lisp +24 -21
@@ 129,24 129,27 @@

;; generate the html file from the source file
;; using the converter associated with the post
(defun use-converter-to-html(article)
   (let ((output (converter-command converter-object)))
     (let* ((src-file (format nil "~a~a" (article-id article) (converter-extension converter-object)))
	   (dst-file (format nil "temp/data/~a.html" (article-id article) ))
	   (full-src-file (format nil "data/~a" src-file)))
       ;; skip generating if the destination exists
       ;; and is more recent than source
       (unless (and
		(probe-file dst-file)
		 (file-write-date dst-file)
		 (file-write-date full-src-file)))
	 (ensure-directories-exist "temp/data/")
	 (template "%IN" src-file)
	 (template "%OUT" dst-file)
	 (format t "~a~%" output)
	 (uiop:run-program output))))))
(defun use-converter-to-html(filename &optional (converter-name nil))
  (let* ((converter-object (getf *converters*
                                 (or converter-name
			             (getf *config* :default-converter))))
         (output           (converter-command converter-object))
         (src-file (format nil "~a~a" filename (converter-extension converter-object)))
         (dst-file (format nil "temp/data/~a.html" filename ))
         (full-src-file (format nil "data/~a" src-file)))
      ;; skip generating if the destination exists
      ;; and is more recent than source
      (unless (and
               (probe-file dst-file)
                (file-write-date dst-file)
                (file-write-date full-src-file)))
        (ensure-directories-exist "temp/data/")
        (template "%IN" src-file)
        (template "%OUT" dst-file)
        (format t "~a~%" output)
        (uiop:run-program output))))

;; format the date
(defun date-format(format date)

@@ 307,9 310,9 @@

  ;; produce each article file
  (loop for article in *articles*
	;; use the article's converter to get html code of it
	(use-converter-to-html article)
     ;; use the article's converter to get html code of it
       (use-converter-to-html (article-id article) (article-converter article))

	(generate  (format nil "output/html/~d-~d.html"
			   (date-format "%Year-%MonthNumber-%DayNumber"