
929692a3001141f9e9350b888565c51b92851e10 — Solene Rapenne 5 years ago f074e94
gopher metadata was one-lined due to a regression
1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

M generator.lisp
M generator.lisp => generator.lisp +6 -8
@@ 398,14 398,12 @@
	   (let ((id (article-id article)))
	     (save-file (format nil "output/gopher/article-~d.txt" id)
                        (format nil "~{~a~}"
                                 "Title: " (article-title article) "~%"
                                 "Author: " (article-author article) "~%"
                                 "Date: " (date-format (getf *config* :date-format) (article-date article)) "~%"
                                 "Tags: " (article-tag article) "~%"
		                 (load-file (format nil "data/~d~d" id (converter-extension converter-object))))))))))
                        (format nil "Title: ~a~%Author: ~a~%Date: ~a~%Tags: ~a~%============~%~%~a"
                                 (article-title article)
                                 (article-author article)
                                 (date-format (getf *config* :date-format) (article-date article))
                                 (article-tag article)
		                         (load-file (format nil "data/~d~d" id (converter-extension converter-object)))))))))

;; This is function called when running the tool