M Makefile => Makefile +1 -1
@@ 3,7 3,7 @@ LISP= ecl
all: dirs html
html: $(HTML) css
- $(LISP) -load generator.lisp
+ $(LISP) --load generator.lisp
mkdir -p "output/html/static"
M data/articles.lisp => data/articles.lisp +2 -2
@@ 17,9 17,9 @@
:gopher-path "/user" ;; absolute path of your gopher directory
:gopher-server "my.website" ;; hostname of the gopher server
:gopher-port "70" ;; tcp port of the gopher server, 70 usually
- :gopher-format "[0|~a|~a/article-~d.txt|~a|~a]~%~%" ;; menu format (geomyidae)
+ :gopher-format "[~d|~a|~a|~a|~a]~%" ;; menu format (geomyidae)
:gopher-index "index.gph" ;; menu file (geomyidae)
- ;; :gopher-format "0~a ~a/article-~d.txt ~a ~a~%~%" ;; menu format (gophernicus and others)
+ ;; :gopher-format "~d~a ~a ~a ~a~%" ;; menu format (gophernicus and others)
;; :gopher-index "gophermap" ;; menu file (gophernicus and others)
M generator.lisp => generator.lisp +89 -54
@@ 45,22 45,22 @@
(push (make-article :title title
:tag tag
:date (date-parse date)
- :rawdate date
+ :rawdate date
:tiny tiny
:author author
:id id
- :converter converter)
+ :converter converter)
;; we add a converter to the list of the one availables
(defun converter(&optional &key name command extension)
(setf *converters*
- (append
- (list name
- (make-converter :name name
- :command command
- :extension extension))
- *converters*)))
+ (append
+ (list name
+ (make-converter :name name
+ :command command
+ :extension extension))
+ *converters*)))
;; load data from metadata and load config
(load "data/articles.lisp")
@@ 70,32 70,32 @@
;; common-lisp don't have a replace string function natively
(defun replace-all (string part replacement &key (test #'char=))
(with-output-to-string (out)
- (loop with part-length = (length part)
- for old-pos = 0 then (+ pos part-length)
- for pos = (search part string
- :start2 old-pos
- :test test)
- do (write-string string out
- :start old-pos
- :end (or pos (length string)))
- when pos do (write-string replacement out)
- while pos)))
+ (loop with part-length = (length part)
+ for old-pos = 0 then (+ pos part-length)
+ for pos = (search part string
+ :start2 old-pos
+ :test test)
+ do (write-string string out
+ :start old-pos
+ :end (or pos (length string)))
+ when pos do (write-string replacement out)
+ while pos)))
;; common-lisp don't have a split string function natively
(defun split-str(text &optional (separator #\Space))
"this function split a string with separator and return a list"
(let ((text (concatenate 'string text (string separator))))
(loop for char across text
- counting char into count
- when (char= char separator)
- collect
- ;; we look at the position of the left separator from right to left
- (let ((left-separator-position (position separator text :from-end t :end (- count 1))))
- (subseq text
- ;; if we can't find a separator at the left of the current, then it's the start of
- ;; the string
- (if left-separator-position (+ 1 left-separator-position) 0)
- (- count 1))))))
+ counting char into count
+ when (char= char separator)
+ collect
+ ;; we look at the position of the left separator from right to left
+ (let ((left-separator-position (position separator text :from-end t :end (- count 1))))
+ (subseq text
+ ;; if we can't find a separator at the left of the current, then it's the start of
+ ;; the string
+ (if left-separator-position (+ 1 left-separator-position) 0)
+ (- count 1))))))
;; load a file as a string
;; we escape ~ to avoid failures with format
@@ 175,6 175,30 @@
(save-file ,name (generate-layout ,@data))))
+;; generate a gopher index file
+(defun generate-gopher-index(articles)
+ (let ((output (load-file "templates/gopher_head.tpl")))
+ (dolist (article articles)
+ (setf output
+ (string
+ (concatenate 'string output
+ (format nil (getf *config* :gopher-format)
+ 0 ;;;; gopher type, 0 for text files
+ ;; here we create a 80 width char string with title on the left
+ ;; and date on the right
+ ;; we truncate the article title if it's too large
+ (let ((title (format nil "~80a"
+ (if (< 80 (length (article-title article)))
+ (subseq (article-title article) 0 80)
+ (article-title article)))))
+ (replace title (article-rawdate article) :start1 (- (length title) (length (article-rawdate article)))))
+ (concatenate 'string
+ (getf *config* :gopher-path) "/article-" (article-id article) ".txt")
+ (getf *config* :gopher-server)
+ (getf *config* :gopher-port)
+ )))))
+ output))
;; generate the list of tags
(defun articles-by-tag()
(let ((tag-list))
@@ 243,7 267,7 @@
;; html generation of a tag homepage
(defun generate-tag-mainpage(articles-in-tag)
(apply #'concatenate 'string
- (loop for article in *articles*
+ (loop for article in *articles*
when (member (article-id article) articles-in-tag :test #'equal)
collect (create-article article :tiny t))))
@@ 304,10 328,10 @@
;; produce index-titles.html where there are only articles titles
(generate "output/html/index-titles.html" (generate-semi-mainpage :no-text t))
;; produce index file for each tag
(loop for tag in (articles-by-tag) do
- (generate (format nil "output/html/tag-~d.html" (getf tag :NAME))
+ (generate (format nil "output/html/tag-~d.html" (getf tag :NAME))
(generate-tag-mainpage (getf tag :VALUE))))
;; generate rss gopher in html folder if gopher is t
@@ 325,29 349,40 @@
;; produce the gophermap file
(save-file (concatenate 'string "output/gopher/" (getf *config* :gopher-index))
- (let ((output (load-file "templates/gopher_head.tpl")))
- (dolist (article *articles*)
- (setf output
- (string
- (concatenate 'string output
- (format nil (getf *config* :gopher-format)
- ;; here we create a 80 width char string with title on the left
- ;; and date on the right
- ;; we truncate the article title if it's too large
- (let ((title (format nil "~80a"
- (if (< 80 (length (article-title article)))
- (subseq (article-title article) 0 80)
- (article-title article)))))
- (replace title (article-rawdate article) :start1 (- (length title) (length (article-rawdate article)))))
- (getf *config* :gopher-path)
- (article-id article)
- (getf *config* :gopher-server)
- (getf *config* :gopher-port)
- )))))
- output))
+ (generate-gopher-index *articles*))
+ ;; produce a tag list menu
+ (let* ((directory-path "output/gopher/_tags_/")
+ (index-path (concatenate 'string directory-path (getf *config* :gopher-index))))
+ (ensure-directories-exist directory-path)
+ (save-file index-path
+ (let ((output (load-file "templates/gopher_head.tpl")))
+ (loop for tag in (articles-by-tag)
+ do
+ (setf output
+ (string
+ (concatenate
+ 'string output
+ (format nil (getf *config* :gopher-format)
+ 1 ;; gopher type, 1 for menus
+ (getf tag :NAME)
+ (concatenate 'string
+ (getf *config* :gopher-path) "/" (getf tag :NAME) "/")
+ (getf *config* :gopher-server)
+ (getf *config* :gopher-port)
+ )))))
+ output)))
+ ;; produce each tag gophermap index
+ (loop for tag in (articles-by-tag) do
+ (let* ((directory-path (concatenate 'string "output/gopher/" (getf tag :NAME) "/"))
+ (index-path (concatenate 'string directory-path (getf *config* :gopher-index)))
+ (articles-with-tag (loop for article in *articles*
+ when (member (article-id article) (getf tag :VALUE) :test #'equal)
+ collect article)))
+ (ensure-directories-exist directory-path)
+ (save-file index-path (generate-gopher-index articles-with-tag))))
;; produce each article file (only a copy/paste in fact)
(loop for article in *articles*
M templates/gopher_head.tpl => templates/gopher_head.tpl +1 -0
@@ 2,6 2,7 @@ Hello, this is the head of your gophermap page, you can
customize it how you want !
[0|RSS Feed|/~me/rss.xml|server|port]
+[1|Browse by tag|/~me/_tags_/|server|port]