
770103a5ab682ed1ee3c51c3da5cc7e95ce793b2 — Andre Alves Garzia 4 years ago f1b17e0
[[ bookmarks ]] added bookmarks and favourites
5 files changed, 179 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

A bookmarks-edit.rkt
M config.rkt
M persist.rkt
M preferences.rkt
M window.rkt
A bookmarks-edit.rkt => bookmarks-edit.rkt +116 -0
@@ 0,0 1,116 @@
#lang racket/gui
(require "persist.rkt")

(define bookmarks-edit-window
  (new frame%
       [label "Edit Bookmark"]
       [width 600]
       [x 200]
       [y 200]))

(define panel
  (new vertical-panel%
       [parent bookmarks-edit-window]
       [vert-margin 2]
       [horiz-margin 2]
       [alignment '(left bottom)]))

(define title-field
  (new text-field%
       [label "Title"]
       [parent panel]))

(define url-field
  (new text-field%
       [label "URL"]
       [parent panel]))

(define favourite-checkbox
  (new check-box%
       [label "Favourite"]
       [parent panel]))

(define f-message
  (new message%
       [parent panel] 
       [label "Favourite bookmarks are shown in the bookmarks menu and the new tab (if set in the preferences)."]))

(define subscribe-checkbox
  (new check-box%
       [label "Subscribe"]
       [parent panel]))

(define s-message
  (new message%
       [parent panel] 
       [label "Subscriptions are shown in the new tab when they update (if set in the preferences)."]))

(define tags-field
  (new text-field%
       [label "Tags"]
       [parent panel]))

(define t-message
  (new message%
       [parent panel] 
       [label "Tags should be comma separated."]))

(define n-message
  (new message%
       [parent panel] 
       [label "Notes:"]))

(define notes-canvas
  (new editor-canvas%
       [parent panel]
       [line-count 5]
       [label "Editor Canvas"]))

(define notes-text (new text%))
(send notes-text insert "")
(send notes-canvas set-editor notes-text)

(define footer
  (new horizontal-panel%
       [parent bookmarks-edit-window]
       [horiz-margin 2]
       [vert-margin 2]
       [alignment '(right bottom)]))

(define cancel-button
  (new button%
       [label "Cancel"]
       [parent footer]
       [callback (lambda (b e)
                   (send bookmarks-edit-window show #f))]))

(define (save-values b e)
  (let ([url (send url-field get-value)]
        [title (send title-field get-value)]
        [favourite (send favourite-checkbox get-value)]
        [subscribe (send subscribe-checkbox get-value)]
        [tags (string-split (send tags-field get-value) "," #:trim? #t)]
        [notes (send notes-text get-text)])
    (add-bookmark (make-bookmark url title subscribe favourite  0 tags notes)) 
    (send bookmarks-edit-window show #f)))

(define save-button
  (new button%
       [label "Save"]
       [parent footer]
       [callback save-values]))

(define (show-edit-bookmark-window b)
  (send url-field set-value (bookmark-url b))
  (send title-field set-value (bookmark-title b))
  (send favourite-checkbox set-value (bookmark-favourite b))
  (send subscribe-checkbox set-value (bookmark-subscribe b))
  (send tags-field set-value (string-join (bookmark-tags b) ", "))
  (send notes-text insert (bookmark-notes b))
  (send bookmarks-edit-window show #t))

(provide show-edit-bookmark-window)

(module+ main
  (show-edit-bookmark-window (make-bookmark "")))

M config.rkt => config.rkt +1 -1
@@ 26,6 26,6 @@ version

;; Config parameters

(define debug-mode? (make-parameter #f))
(define debug-mode? (make-parameter #t))

M persist.rkt => persist.rkt +13 -9
@@ 42,6 42,7 @@

(set-default-pref 'homepage "gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space")
(set-default-pref 'new-tab-section/aggregators #t)
(set-default-pref 'new-tab-section/favourites #t)


@@ 50,12 51,12 @@

(define bookmarks-file (build-path data-folder "bookmarks.rktd"))

(define bookmarks (make-parameter '()))
(define bookmarks (make-parameter (make-hash)))

(serializable-struct bookmark

@@ 63,23 64,25 @@

(define (make-bookmark url [title ""] [tracking #f] [favourite #f] [last-checksum 0] [tags '()] [notes ""])
  (bookmark url title tracking favourite last-checksum tags notes))
(define (make-bookmark url [title ""] [subscribe #f] [favourite #f] [last-checksum 0] [tags '()] [notes ""])
  (bookmark url title subscribe favourite last-checksum tags notes))

(define (add-bookmark b)
  (let ([bs (bookmarks)])
    (bookmarks (append bs b))))
    (hash-set! bs (bookmark-url b) b)

(define (save-bookmarks)
  (let ([s (serialize (bookmarks))])
    (with-output-to-file bookmarks-file
      (write (bookmarks))
      (lambda () (write s))
      #:exists 'replace)))

(define (load-bookmarks)
  (let ([bs (if (file-exists? bookmarks-file)
                  (deserialize (port->string (open-input-file bookmarks-file)))
                (with-input-from-file bookmarks-file
                  (lambda () (deserialize (read))))
    (bookmarks bs)))

@@ 88,5 91,6 @@
(module+ main
  (displayln data-folder)
  (displayln preferences-file))
  (displayln preferences-file)

M preferences.rkt => preferences.rkt +7 -0
@@ 27,6 27,12 @@
       [parent panel]
       [value (get-pref 'new-tab-section/aggregators)]))

(define new-tab-section/favourites-checkbox
  (new check-box%
       [label "Show favourites in new tab"]
       [parent panel]
       [value (get-pref 'new-tab-section/favourites)]))

(define footer
  (new horizontal-panel%
       [parent preferences-window]

@@ 44,6 50,7 @@
(define (save-values b e)
  (set-pref 'homepage (send homepage-field get-value))
  (set-pref 'new-tab-section/aggregators (send new-tab-section/aggregators-checkbox get-value))
  (set-pref 'new-tab-section/favourites (send new-tab-section/favourites-checkbox get-value))
  (send preferences-window show #f))

(define save-button

M window.rkt => window.rkt +42 -7
@@ 10,6 10,7 @@

(provide initialize-window)

@@ 33,6 34,7 @@

(define tabs '())

(define current-url #f)

(external-browser (lambda (u)

@@ 160,13 162,20 @@
  (send multi-transport fetch url current-url))

(define (new-tab-template)
  (let ([aggregators (if (get-pref 'new-tab-section/aggregators)
                         `((heading 1 "Aggregators")
                           (link "gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space/capcom/" "CAPCOM")
                           (link "gemini://rawtext.club:1965/~sloum/spacewalk.gmi" "Spacewalk"))
    (append aggregators)))
  (let* ([aggregators (if (get-pref 'new-tab-section/aggregators)
                          `((heading 1 "Aggregators")
                            (link "gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space/capcom/" "CAPCOM")
                            (link "gemini://rawtext.club:1965/~sloum/spacewalk.gmi" "Spacewalk"))
         [favourites (if (and (get-pref 'new-tab-section/favourites) #t)
                          '((heading 1 "Favourites"))
                          (map (lambda (b) `(link ,(bookmark-url b) ,(bookmark-title b))) (filter (lambda (b) (bookmark-favourite b)) (hash-values (bookmarks)))))
         [template (append aggregators favourites)])
    (when (debug-mode?)
      (pretty-print template))

(define (new-tab [url #f])
  (send browser-tabs append "New Tab")

@@ 237,6 246,19 @@
(define (render-complete)

(define (current-tab)
  (list-ref tabs (send browser-tabs get-selection)))

(define (current-tab-title)
  (let* ([t (current-tab)]
         [m (tab-mime t)]
         [c (tab-content t)])
    (cond [(equal? m "text/gemini") (let ([first-heading (findf (lambda (l) (and (equal? (first l) 'heading) (equal? (second l) 1))) c)])
                                      (if first-heading
                                          (third first-heading)
          [else ""])))

; needs to be after parent show so that we have parents dimensions
(define browser-tabs
  (new tab-panel%

@@ 344,6 366,19 @@
         [shortcut #\h]
         [callback (λ _ (show-history-window history-backward new-tab))]))

  (define bookmarks-menu
    (new menu%
         [parent menu-bar]
         [label "Bookmarks"]))

  (define add-bookmark-menu
    (new menu-item%
         [parent bookmarks-menu]
         [label "A&dd bookmark"]
         [help-string "Add current site to bookmarks"]
         [shortcut #\d]
         [callback (λ _ (show-edit-bookmark-window (make-bookmark current-url (current-tab-title))))]))

  (define help-menu
    (new menu%
         [parent menu-bar]